These Are The Most Sexually Compatible Star Signs, According To Astrology

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The Most Sexually Compatible Star SignsChristian Vierig

Throughout her illustrious career, Stefanie Weiss has made it her life's mission to empower and educate women about their sexual powers. In her tenth book, Sex and Your Stars: A Sexologist’s Guide to the Erotic Energy of the Zodiac which will be released on July 30, the esteemed clinical sexologist and astrologer goes one step further.


The book is billed as a 'shame-free, sex-positive, no-holds-barred guide to understanding our erotic selves―both gifts and challenges―through astrology' and, in the midst of the dating drought that has currently dried modern romance down to a crisp, Weiss' tome may well be just what we need. In short: Weiss' one-stop-shop on sexual compatibility according to astrology ought to appeal to the blind spots of modern dating, and the fact that astrologically speaking some of us are more sexually aligned than others.

Whether you're in the throes of young love or are yearning to find the love of your life, these are the star signs that are most sexually compatible with each other.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

'Aries are, in a few words, very hot,' Weiss tells ELLE UK. 'At their core, they’ve got BFE: Big Fire Energy, which means that the other two fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, are often apt at matching them sexually in ways that other signs can’t.'

Weiss notes that Aries can also find themselves wildly attracted to their opposite sign, Libra. 'Libra is an air sign who can help to calm their rougher edges and teach them how to behave in polite society, when they’d prefer to simply sniff out potential lovers (sometimes literally),' she adds.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, in the eyes of Weiss, 'lives to experience both life and love in the most sensual way possible, and their motivation is pleasure.'

Given how intentionally Taurus moves through life, they will find their sexual energy is best-matched by the two other earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn. If they're feeling more adventurous, there is an entirely different tack to take too. 'Their opposite sign Scorpio can teach them how to deal with change – something Taurus is not always keen to push through,' Weiss adds.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

'Air signs Aquarius and Libra understand how the magnificent Gemini mind works, and that helps a lot in bed,' Weiss notes. 'Although their shared intellectual element makes each of these signs less inclined to emotional attachments, when they come together in love or lust, there is an easy flow that’s generally low in conflict and great for hours of sexting or sweet-nothings.'

Both signs will complement different elements of Gemini. With Aquarius, the Gemini will be steeped in algorithmic theory, while with Libra, they’ll be steeped in cocktail party chat, both of which will fuel Gemini's fire in different ways.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

In her book, Weiss writes that Cancer is 'often deeply contemplative and ardently relational, constantly figuring out where their own feelings end and a lover’s emotional life begins.'

The signs that will be the most sexually compatible with Cancer then are water signs Scorpio and Pisces, both of which respond to Cancer at their emotional core. 'In these connections, sexual intuition rules,' Weiss adds. 'This pairing is very psychic and natural, but emotional projection onto these relationships can be laden with drama. This is powerful intimacy but it can also be emotionally exhausting.'

Should Cancer be seeking more emotional security, then its opposite zodiac sign Capricorn can offer such grounding.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo is one of the only signs in the zodiac motivated by vitality, which means finding their most sexually compatible star sign can be difficult. In her book, Weiss notes, 'All the world is a stage, and for Leos, the bedroom is sometimes the best setting in which to tap into their purest creative instincts and come alive.'

The signs most suited sexually to Leo are, with that in mind, fellow fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, between whom sparks will fly. 'These sexual connections are sizzlingly hot, but they can burn out quickly if not stoked and tended to,' Weiss adds. 'In a tryst or long-time relationship with an Aries, Leo must learn how to follow the leader—something they don’t love to do. But the sex can be off the charts, and worth any rows that come up along the way. With Sagittarius, Lions can open their minds and their hearts even wider.'

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo's fellow earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn, are the best matches for the fox. Weiss explains how Capricorn, especially, may well share Virgo’s efficient worldview about getting things done right and on time – even sex. While Taurus, earthy and grounded but less worried about perfection, can teach a Virgo to slow down and savour sexual moments that they might rush through just to get to the finish line.

Opposites also attract in the case of Virgo too. 'Virgo’s opposite sign Pisces shows them how the soul is just as essential to great sex as the body,' Weiss says.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

'Eroticism is high art for a Libra, and they’re usually not short on creative ideas,' Weiss notes in her book. When searching for sexual compatibility, Gemini and Aquarius are the best signs for Libra.

'Both signs stir Libra’s intellectual, sapiosexual sweet spot. Flirting, brilliant bon mots and sweet verbal jousting are the ideal foreplay fuel for Libra – long before there is bodily contact,' Weiss says. 'With Aries, Libra learns to lean into their lusty side – the part of them that might feel not quite ready for primetime. But in order to feel into their entire being, this primal potency is necessary.'

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Water signs Cancer and Pisces are powerful partners for Scorpio, Weiss advises. 'The intensity in the relationships between Scorpio and these signs is as deep as the ocean and sometimes as turbulent as a winding river.'

She notes how water signs can’t help but emote irrepressibly, and when they’re in one another’s presence, they feel safer about feeling those enormous feels without shame. This can unleash wild and delightful sexual scenarios. The pairing of a Scorpio and their opposite zodiac Taurus, Weiss explains, can also help to steady, ground, and protect a Scorpio from their impulse to cut off relationships the moment emotional vulnerability arises – they feel protected and needn’t put up their defenses.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

'When their sexuality is allowed to flourish, Sagittarians can be the quintessential “Trysexuals” of the zodiac, in the "I’ll try anything once" sense,' Weiss writes in her book. The most sexually compatibility signs with Sagittarius are fire signs Aries and Leos, which are ideal sexual matches with Sagittarius. 'Carnality, sexual frankness, and animal lust rule in these connections,' Weiss says. 'The opposite zodiac sign of Sagittarius is Gemini, which is a potential pairing that keeps things moving so fast that heads spin, and the sex can be thrilling – one thing this couple needs is constant variety, so if you’re in a monogamous pair, continue to bring in the novelty even if you’ve been together for years.'

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Weiss' book is clear that Capricorns erotic gifts are 'sexual impulses, desires, and curiosities and giving them a recognisable shape.' To that end, the most sexually compatible signs for Capricorn are fellow earth signs, Taurus and Virgo, both of which are 'attuned to the materiality of their own bodies (and their partners’ bodies) like Capricorn is – they take love and sex seriously, and can therefore be excellent bedmates.'

If yearning for a softer sexual pairing, Capricorn’s ought to seek out their opposite sign. 'Cancer shows Capricorn how to be kind to themselves – to nurture their needs and to bring more emotional softness into the act of sex,' Weiss says.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

'Air signs Gemini and Libra easily align with this sign— the brainwave connections here are so hot that they sizzle,' Weiss advises. 'It’s important to work on the physical connection, however, because everyone in this equation might be stuck in their heads. A Leo lover can also bring the Aquarius directly out of their head and into their heart, and allow them to feel into parts of themselves that have been heretofore unreachable.'

Weiss adds that 'Aquarius tends to be open-minded and remain in a place of eternal discovery about their sexuality, recognising it as an evolutionary force.'

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

'As the sign that feels everything, Pisces can experience the most extraordinary, exquisite erotic highs,' Weiss writes in her book.

That means that their most electric connections often result from water signs Cancer and Scorpio, which both inherently understand that Pisces needs to be spiritually seen before they can lose themselves in a carnal connection. 'In these sexual relationships, there is a deep emotional fluency that guides the path to ecstasy,' Weiss says. 'Everything can simply flow yet over-emoting can get in the way of the embodiment that good sex requires.'

Sex and Your Stars: A Sexologist's Guide to the Erotic Energy of the Zodiac by Stefanie Weiss is available for pre-order now.

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