Man offers £100 to any Brit that can eat 'world's most calorific burger' in 3 bites

Tom Warwick, who runs the Meat Castles food truck, has created the world's most calorific burger. (SWNS)
Tom Warwick, who runs the Meat Castles food truck, has created the world's most calorific burger. (SWNS)

A British food truck has created the world’s ‘most calorific burger’, with eight doughnuts used in place of buns.

Meat Castles, the food truck which is run by Tom Warwick, is based in Retford, Nottinghamshire.

Warwick says his new burger creation is a whopping 3,180 calories. Considering the recommended daily calorie intake for the average woman is 2,000, and 2,500 for men, that’s a sizeable feast.

The burger itself contains three beef patties, two rashers of bacon, and six slices of cheese all encased in eight Krispy Kreme doughnuts and smothered in melted butter or Biscoff spread.

The calorie intake of the burger alone is as much as six Big Mac burgers or over three roast dinners.

Warwick says he is now offering £100 to anyone who can manage to eat the burger in three bites, which would make it over 1,000 calories per bite.

Some of Warwick’s other burger creations include the ‘Phat Nut’, an aged beef patty with American cheese, peanut butter, and strawberry and vanilla jam.

His ‘Fish Finnga Butty’ includes two beef patties, cheese, three fish fingers, curry sauce, and mushy peas.

The burger can be topped with butter or Biscoff spread. (SWNS)
The burger can be topped with butter or Biscoff spread. (SWNS)

"People love burgers and over the last few years Meat Castles has got itself a bit of a cult following," Warwick adds.

"We’ve got all sorts of people who travel from near and far for our burgers. Some order what’s on the menu and others want a special creation which we’ll do sometimes."

While a 3,000 calorie burger is not an everyday type of food, what could the gut health impact of it be? We break down the ingredients - most of which are common ingredients found in many fast food burgers - and how they impact your gut health, below.

Beef patties

Beef is the second most-consumed red meat in the UK (after pig meat), yet a recent study found that when beef is consumed as part of a diet that is also high in fat and sugar, it can have adverse consequences for gut bacteria.

A further study, published in 2023, found that people with meat-rich diets are particularly vulnerable to leaky gut syndrome, a condition that can lead to several more serious diseases such as dementia, some forms of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Leaky gut syndrome is still being researched, but it’s thought to be when your gut lining allows toxins from partially digested foods into your bloodstream.

Close up of sliced roasted medium rare barbecue steak with rosemary, roasted garlic and cutlery on rustic iron grill. Cooking at home with fresh meat and flavorful herbs. Top view.
Red meat can be eaten as part of a varied and healthy diet. (Getty Images)

"A meat-enriched diet increases the garbage in our gut that changes the microbiome,’" study author, Hariom Yadav, said. "This creates leaky gut and inflammation that ultimately induces diabetes."

However, red meat consumed in moderation is perfectly healthy. The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) recommends limiting your red meat consumption to no more than three portions per week.


Some cheeses can actually be good for your gut health as they can increase the production of probiotics (good bacteria) in the gut.

Research has said that cheeses that have been aged but not heated afterwards such as cottage cheese, Edam, provolone, Gouda, cheddar, and Swiss are all good sources of probiotics.

However, there has been little research done into whether processed cheese, such as the cheese used in burgers, can affect your gut.


The two main components of doughnuts - sugar and refined carbohydrates - can both cause inflammation and imbalance in gut bacteria which, in turn, can lead to an increased risk of digestive disorders.

Doughnuts do not have any nutritional benefits. (Getty Images)

Like anything, doughnuts can be eaten as part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation. However, unlike red meat which has some important nutrients, the only thing that a doughnut will provide for your body is energy, which can also be found in more nutrient-rich food.


It’s bad news for bacon lovers: a recent study found that just one slice of the processed meat per day has been linked to a higher risk of colorectal and bowel cancer.

Both of these cancers can be linked to gut health, as an imbalance of our gut microbiome can lead to inflammation and contribute to cancer development.

Further research found that the salt from processed meats like bacon could lead to stomach cancer, as the salt can damage your stomach lining and cause lesions that may result in cancer.

The WCRF recommends having little to no processed meat. However, adjunct associate professor at the Harvard School of Public Health Guy Crosby told TIME that a couple of slices of bacon on the weekend as part of an overall healthy diet isn’t "going to present a significant health risk".

Additional reporting by SWNS.

Gut health: Read more