More Small Hills People Are Dying On Because We Are All Petty Betties

Recently, I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share a small hill they are willing to die on. The post created quite the army of small hills in the comments, so I figured I'd share more petty things people will stand by no matter what. I'm just gonna sit back, eat my food, and watch it play out:

Tim Robinson asks, "What the hell's going on out there"

1."Are you really dying on a hill if you're posting your opinion anonymously?"


2."Honorary degrees are not legitimate degrees and shouldn’t be called a 'degree' at all."


3."Pizza is a flatbread because the toppings are baked into raw dough to create the baked product. The toppings on a sandwich are added AFTER the bread has already been baked. Now you know."


4."M and Ms is redundant! It’s a bag of Ms."


Man in glasses and a pinstripe suit expressing surprise, gesturing with both hands, "Wait, wait, what"

5."This may be stupid, but there is a difference between prison and jail; they are not interchangeable."


6."A finger of fudge is NOT enough to give your kids a treat!"


7."They are your CHILDREN, not your kids. Kids are baby goats. Drives me nuts."


Goat walking in a field at dusk with trees in the background

8."They should ban all vegetarian alternatives to meat products; steak, burgers, chicken, nuggets, and sausages should be meat only, vegetarian dishes should have their own identity and stop trying to emulate meat, plus it takes a lot of chemicals and energy to reproduce meat dishes."


9."Not putting your shopping cart back is just a**hole behavior. I’ve had friends attempt to justify and say, but I have a baby….nope you’re still an asshole. It’s even worse if the cart return is less than 20 feet away."


10."People who immediately stand when the plane lands and/or try to push past people in front of them to cut the line from the back of the aircraft to the front. Also, do NOT crowd the baggage terminal; instead, stand 3-5 feet back. This allows EVERYONE to see and grab their bags without having people needlessly standing in the way. Both should be common sense and show you how inconsiderate humans have become today."


Person on a phone saying "Yeah," with a sign in the background

11."Shredded coconut is a disgusting pollutant in food, especially granola. Put your coconut on the side, people. Please don’t offend the rest of us with it. Yuck!"


12."The correct pronunciation of et cetera; not using gifted as a verb; receiving and giving invitations rather than invites; the correct use of lie/lay, and to move outside grammar issues, good manners."


13."There is no such thing as boneless wings. Boneless wings are NUGGETS!"


Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele on "Hot Ones," with Peele humorously reacting to spicy wings, saying "You go to hell"

14."In fanfiction, a drabble is 100 words precisely. ONE. HUNDRED. WORDS. Not anything under a thousand. Not anything that isn’t chaptered. If it’s not 100 words exactly, it is not a drabble."

—Anonymous, 35

15."Cold brew and brewed coffee that's cold are NOT created equal."


16."Tiny Hill: 'You're not dehydrated; you're (probably) just thirsty.' Reason: When did being thirsty become a medical crisis (dehydration)? I know dehydration can be a real problem, especially for older folks, but most are fine. If you're thirsty, drink water. Problem solved. Thirst is not a medical problem. It's your body functioning as it should. You are not in a hydration crisis if your pee is light-colored. Obsession with hydration is an annoying off-shoot of self-indulgent wellness culture."

—Anonymous, 53

I don’t know who is in the image, but the person humorously attempts to drink from a large water cooler bottle on a talk show set

17.The older you get, the more you realize that younger people are way better. Take it from a 33-year-old: I can’t do the backflip I used to do.


18."Cilantro should be an optional add-on in restaurants! I don’t know how many burritos I’ve had to pick through to capture each tiny, soapy leaf! I know cilantro is common in many cuisines, and it’s not all about me, but could there at least be 'Cilantro Free' sections in eateries?"


19."I don't care if a food is 'authentic.' Does it taste good?"


A black cat eats a stack of pancakes at a table with a glass of orange juice

20."If you don’t regularly cook for yourself at home, do NOT pick my social gathering to present your homemade efforts. The quality/hygiene of your cooking is immediately suspicious if you are known to 'never cook.' Get a bakery dessert if you must bring food."

—Anonymous, 43

21."A similar hill that I’ll die on is 'hotter than HADES' vs. 'hotter than HAITI.' There are plenty of places hotter than Haiti, which is why the phrase is about HADES, which is the underworld/hell!"


22."People are too judgy about how other people eat their steak. Medium rare or well done with ketchup—it doesn’t matter. Both are hunks of meat that destroy your colon, so enjoy it however you want."


man shakes his head

23."Not taking responsibility for bringing a pet into your life. Dumping it when it becomes inconvenient or the novelty wears off, only to get a new pet later—and then doing the same. Pets are living beings and suffer greatly when this happens. They don't just vanish like they didn't exist because they suddenly become out of sight/out of mind. Sometimes, it's necessary to rehome due to the safety and health of the pet or family. I am not referring to those cases."


24."Nothing is worth arguing about to the point of getting on not speaking terms. Learn phrases like 'Thank you for sharing your opinion with me' and 'I care about you too much to disagree' and move on."

—Anonymous, 53

25."Cereal with milk in it is soup. A hot dog is a sandwich, and pizza is an open-face sandwich. It is known."


Man in medieval armor smirks and says, "Are you sure?" while standing in a group

26."No tomatoes in the fridge! They lose all their wonderful flavor; besides, they last pretty long in a bowl on the countertop."

—Anonymous, "old"

27."People who die on hills about their personal tastes are the worst...stop spreading your negativity."


Man in a wrestling ring, wearing a casual t-shirt and glasses, posing with fists up, in front of a cheering crowd

What is the small hill you are willing to die on? Tell me in the comments below (and, again, be civil with one another)!