Your Moon sign has a huge impact on how you show up in relationships

Your Sun sign may represent your outward vibe, or ego, according to astrologers, but your Moon sign is arguably one of the most important points in astrology as it sums up the real you. Your Moon sign is your private self—the raw version of you, says Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for and and the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. It’s the side of your personality you only expose to people once they really get to know you, she explains.

So, it's no surprise that Moon sign compatibility can play a crucial role in romantic relationships. It's even more important than Sun sign compatibility because the moon governs feelings and intuition and is associated with your subconscious mind, as well as emotional regulation and processing, says professional astrologer and tarot reader Liz Simmons. Simply put, your Moon sign is 'who you are behind closed doors or around close confidants,' she explains.

What's more: Whichever zodiac sign your Moon is in 'can represent how you appraise and work through your feelings,' Simmons adds. And considering emotions are a *pretty* big of relationships, learning about your and another person's Moon sign compatibility can help you connect on a deeper level.

How do I find my and my partner's moon signs?

To find out if your Moon signs are compatible, you'll first need to know both people's date, time, and place of birth. Then, you can input that information into Montúfar's free Moon sign calculator and—voila!—you've found your Moon signs.

Why is your Moon sign so important in compatibility?

When it comes to romantic partnerships, Moon sign compatibility can be crucial for a healthy bond because 'the moon represents all the things that make us feel safe, seen, and heard in relationships,' says writer and astrologer Lauren Ash.

Compatible moons may feel emotionally aligned and understood—it’s almost 'as if this person can sense your mood before you even say anything or can even read your mind when you’re upset,' Ash explains. On the other hand, 'incompatible Moon signs might struggle to understand each other’s triggers, reactions, and processings,' says Simmons. And if you feel misunderstood by a partner, it may be more difficult to show up as your full self.

Is Moon sign compatibility more important than Sun sign compatibility?

You Sun sign might be the star (pun intended) of your horoscope, but your Moon sign matters more when it comes to compatibility. Why? 'Everything that the Moon rules goes much deeper than the Sun sign,' says Montúfar. 'While your Sun sign rules a very obvious part of your personality—who you are—the Moon rules what's inside.' So, while you might like someone's personality (a.k.a. their Sun sign) after meeting them a few times, once you truly get to truly know them (a.k.a. their Moon sign), you might decide that, ultimately, they're not the right match for you. This is a classic case of compatible Suns and incompatible Moons, Montúfar explains.

Moon sign compatibility is an especially important factor in romantic relationships and/or cohabitating with someone because the Moon rules sleeping, eating, and lifestyle needs, she adds. 'When your Moon sign is compatible with someone else's Moon sign, you will have similar needs and preferences,' Montúfar says. 'But when Moon signs are incompatible, there will be adjustments that need to take place.' BTW, if you and your partner have incompatible Moon signs, that doesn't mean you're headed for splitsville. Instead, you might just need to make a few tweaks in how you express and process your emotions so you can understand each other better. Consider it an opportunity to grow as couple!

Moon Sign Compatibility Guide

Once you know your Moon signs, you can use this compatibility guide to find your match made in heaven (literally):

Aries Moon

Most compatible with: Leo Moon, Sagittarius Moon, Libra Moon

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, which gets its name from the Roman God of War. Translation: Moon in Aries folks are intense. 'Aries Moon [signs] tend to be assertive with their feelings, which may come across as aggressive,' says Simmons. 'They don’t hold back with how they feel or what they think.'

They can be a bit explosive when upset, Montúfar adds. But that’s only because they need to relieve their anger immediately, otherwise they bottle it up and their emotions may show up in inopportune moments in the future.

The good news is that fire dissipates rapidly, so while this fiery Moon sign may be quick to scream or sob their feelings out, 'they can overcome their emotions relatively quickly,' says Simmons.

Also worth noting: Aries Moon signs are adventurous, passionate, and a little impulsive, so they’ll want a partner that understands their need for a girls’ night out to cool off after a heated argument.

Taurus Moon

Most compatible with: Virgo Moon, Capricorn Moon, Scorpio Moon

When it comes to emotional expression, Taurus Moon signs may be slow to open up as 'this sign takes its time to process and regulate,' says Simmons. Taurus Moons tend to have a cautious, sweet energy, she adds. And when conflict arises, they’re the type to ask for some space so they can break down how they’re really feeling by themselves before revisiting the conversation at a later time. They may even jot down some notes to make sure they’re getting their entire argument across in a rational way.

The only challenge with Taurus Moon signs is that they tend to be stubborn. They have a difficult time moving past how they feel and may even hold grudges, says Simmons. 'When they get really set on a feeling, it’s hard to unroot them out of that mindset,' Montúfar adds. As a result, Taurus Moons need a partner who’s patient with their emotional processing as they won’t 'get over it' overnight.

Gemini Moon

Most compatible with: Libra Moon, Aquarius Moon, Sagittarius Moon

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, so it’s no surprise that this Moon sign takes a more cerebral approach to emotional processing and regulation. Meaning, Gemini Moons tend to intellectualise how they feel, says Simmons. When things get hard, they may try to make sense of their feelings through logic, but the catch is that many times emotions are illogical, Montúfar says.

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At the very least, you can always count on an emotional Gemini Moon to be communicative. 'Gemini Moon has no problem writing or talking about their feelings,' says Simmons. In fact, they’re the type to want to talk through a situation for hours and hours until a solution is found, says Montúfar.

As a mutable sign, however, their emotional expression might be too changeable at times. 'Gemini Moon can appear hot, then cold,' Simmons says. It may feel like the dust has settled, but then a few minutes later, they text you another point they wanted to make—starting the cycle all over again. For this reason, a Gemini Moon sign requires a partner that won’t mind going back-and-forth until they believe they’ve fully made sense of what they’re feeling.

Cancer Moon

Most compatible with: Scorpio Moon, Pisces Moon, Capricorn Moon

In the sign of Cancer, the moon feels at home, says Montúfar. After all, these crabs are ruled by the luminary.

'Cancer Moons may come across as sentimental and intuitive because of their innate empathy,' explains Simmons. They’re very nurturing and have this big mama energy that people naturally gravitate towards, Montúfar adds.

Cancer Moon signs also tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves, so when they get upset, they will show that, says Montúfar. At the same time, they may not always be upfront about how they’re feeling in order to safeguard their fragile hearts. 'Although initially challenging, taking your time to get to know a Cancer Moon will build a deep rapport,' Simmons explains.

Ultimately, this Moon sign wants a partner they can trust and who will foster a protected space for them to share their emotions safely.

Leo Moon

Most compatible with: Aries Moon, Sagittarius Moon, Aquarius Moon

Ruled by the sun, when Leo Moons get upset, they won’t be happy until they get their partner’s full attention and love, says Montúfar. They kind of need to be in the spotlight, but not as intensely as Leo Suns—it’s a little bit more low-key, she explains. In other words, a Leo Moon will not be happy if their partner ignores them when they’re feeling upset or triggered.

On the plus side, Leo is a confident, sensual Moon sign that doesn’t hold back in love, says Simmons: 'Once in love, Leo Moon is undoubtedly loyal.' Nevertheless, similar to Aries Moon, Leo Moon will have to learn how to pivot their focus to include their partner, rather than being so self-centered, Simmons adds. After all, a heated discussion is only productive if both parties feel like they’re being heard and cared for.

Virgo Moon

Most compatible with: Capricorn Moon, Taurus Moon, Pisces Moon

Similar to Gemini Moon, Virgo Moon is prone to 'analysis paralysis,' so matters of the heart can be a bit stressful for them, says Simmons.

Also ruled by Mercury, Virgo Moons are very intellectual when it comes to emotional processing and regulation, says Montúfar. But unlike Gemini, who needs to talk things through, Virgo is a bit more introverted, she explains. They tend to want to analyze and compartmentalise their emotions on their own. And to be quite honest, the emotional world is not their forte, Montúfar says. They have a hard time bringing matters down to their heart as they tend to guard their emotions. Virgo Moons aren’t vulnerable with just anyone!

Nevertheless, once a Virgo Moon feels self-assured in a relationship, they can be a very attentive partner, says Simmons. 'They take note of and remember everything.' They’re the type of romantic partner to run errands for you or create an Excel spreadsheet for your office so you don’t have to, Montúfar adds. So even if they don’t express it emotionally, trust that the love for you is there.

Libra Moon

Most compatible with: Gemini Moon, Aquarius Moon, Aries Moon

As the sign of the scales, when it comes to considering emotions, Libra Moon tries to be impartial and fair, says Simmons. 'Libra Moons will always consider others first,' as this sign likes to be able to reciprocate or stabilise the other person’s emotional expression, she adds.

Libra Moon may be committed to getting their point across, but they’ll always make sure you get your argument in, too. They like to see both sides of the story in order to bring a sense of harmony into the situation, says Montúfar. For this reason, they’re also really good at meditating situations they may not even be directly involved in, she adds.

What makes a Libra Moon such an equal romantic partner is probably the fact that they’re ruled by Venus, the planet of love and connection. Speaking of which, you’ll rarely encounter a Libra Moon who’s single, says Montúfar. 'Libra Moon people love to be in relationships—it’s kind of their forte.'

Scorpio Moon

Most compatible with: Cancer Moon, Pisces Moon, Taurus Moon

'This Moon sign is a locked vault,' says Simmons. In other words, it takes some time and patience to truly be let into a Scorpio Moon’s emotional world. Scorpio Moons are very private, so they need to feel comfortable in order to reveal their profound emotional depth and intuition to a close bond, she adds.

If a Scorpio Moon’s S.O. or potential love interest lacks patience, they may get frustrated trying to connect with them in the early dating stages. But once this Moon sign is committed to you, they don’t mess around and can go deep, says Montúfar. 'They’re incredibly giving; they’re just not for the faint of heart.'

Sagittarius Moon

Most compatible with: Aries Moon, Leo Moon, Gemini Moon

This is a very warm and sunny Moon sign, says Montúfar. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius Moon is optimistic and positive, adds Simmons. As a result, they tend to avoid leaning too much into 'negative' emotions, such as sadness and anger.

When they do have to let it out, however, Sagittarius is often direct, 'sometimes to the point of being incredibly blunt,' says Simmons. They’ll tell you like it is, even at the expense of hurting someone else's feelings. But while directness isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, anyone who engages with a Sag Moon can’t deny that hey, at least, they’re honest.

A good partner for Sagittarius Moon is someone who will understand their need to be direct in their emotional expression and won’t shy away from the real convos.

Capricorn Moon

Most compatible with: Taurus Moon, Virgo Moon, Cancer Moon

Like the other earth sign moon placements, Capricorn Moon isn’t very expressive—they take their time opening up. At first, Capricorn Moon may come across as stoic and reserved, says Simmons. They’re very composed and focused on how they come across to others, making it hard for them to express themselves sometimes, says Montúfar.

Capricorn Moon has a hard time asking for help when they’re struggling, which 'is something they need to work on because otherwise people can’t fulfill their needs, especially their partners and family,' Montúfar notes.

Nevertheless, once you take the time to really understand Capricorn Moon and show them just how serious you are about the relationship, you’ll slowly get to their core, says Simmons. 'Like Benjamin Button, Capricorn Moon becomes more goofy and open the more you get to know them, but you have to get past their emotional reservation first.'

Aquarius Moon

Most compatible with: Gemini Moon, Libra Moon, Leo Moon

'This is not a Moon sign you can keep in a cage,' says Montúfar. Free-flowing Aquarius Moon is someone who will require a good amount of freedom in their relationships. In fact, this is 'a person that’s going to need time alone to do the things they want to do in life,' she explains.

Like Gemini Moon, fellow air sign Aquarius Moon tends to intellectualise their emotions and how they express them, which can make them come across as emotionally aloof and disconnected, says Simmons. In reality, this Moon sign is incredibly emotional, but they only let themselves express their emotions to others after mentally working through them first, she explains.

The ideal partner for Aquarius Moon is an independent person who will allow them the freedom to be and space to process their emotions alone before talking it out.

Pisces Moon

Most compatible with: Cancer Moon, Scorpio Moon, aVirgo Moon

Dreamy Pisces Moon has a je ne sais quoi about them, says Montúfar. 'This Moon sign has an ever-flowing sense of love infused in them,' Simmons adds. Whoever or whatever captures their heart, they will love unconditionally.

As a water sign, Pisces Moon is emotional AF and feels deeply. As a result, they will need someone who will accept their emotional processing and won’t take advantage of their empathy, says Simmons. This is especially true for Pisces as this sign may struggle with asserting boundaries, she adds.

As they wear their heart on their sleeves, Pisces Moon may feel hesitant to let others in at first. But with the right person, they will feel emotionally supported and will be able to empathize with their S.O. without fear of being burned.

Are people with the same Moon signs compatible?

Short answer: Yes.

'As a general rule of thumb, the most compatible Moon sign placements are conjunctions,' or aspects in the same sign, says Ash. So if, for example, someone is a Pisces Moon, they would be most compatible with another Pisces Moon as they share the same sign and element, she adds.

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'When two people share the same Moon sign, it forms this kismet energy,' adds Simmons. They will feel immediately seen, understood, and empathised with as they share similar emotional expressions and regulations. Both individuals may also feel more comfortable showing their true selves early on in the relationship given that they will almost instantly feel emotionally safe, thanks to their Moon sign compatibility, Simmons notes.

That being said, opposites do attract for a reason. When the going gets rough, it does help to access another point of view, Montúfar says, which you may not always get when you process your emotions in the same way.

What should I do if my and my partner’s Moon signs aren’t compatible?

For starters, don’t panic! Moon sign synastry isn’t the end-all-be-all of astrological compatibility. There are other aspects that are important to overall zodiac sign compatibility, too. For this reason, it’s crucial to look at your entire birth charts.

'Moon sign synastry is only one of the aspects astrologers look at for romantic relationships,' says Ash. It’s also important to view how your Moon signs complement each other’s Sun, which represents your ego, as well as your Venus, which influences how you give and express romantic affection, and Mercury, which determines how you communicate, she explains.

For example, two people may have incompatible Moons, but have compatible Mercury signs, 'which could help facilitate conversation about each other’s emotional processes a lot easier,' explains Simmons.

Ultimately, 'incompatibility' is not a marker of a doomed relationship, but rather a reminder of your differences. Through honest communication, empathy, and patience for both each other and the not-so easy parts of the partnership, you and your S.O. can overcome almost any challenge, trust.

Meet the Experts: Narayana Montúfar is the senior astrologer for and and the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. Liz Simmons is a professional astrologer, tarot reader, and contributor to based in Salem, Massachusetts. Lauren Ash is a writer and resident astrologer for Sanctuary Astrology and USA Today.

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