The New Moon In Capricorn Is Pushing You To Take Action

  • The new moon in Capricorn happened on January 11, 2024.

  • This lunar event will push you to take action, even with tough decisions.

  • The new moon impacts all zodiac signs, but Capricorn and Cancer will feel it the most.

Life is filled with decisions, and they usually boil down to this: Do you want to take a risk or would you rather play it safe?

You’ll be hyper-aware of that dilemma around the middle of the month thanks to the new moon in Capricorn. This astrological event—happening on January 11, 2024—will push you to make the call in a slew of areas of your life, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta.

But, with most things in life, there’s more to it than that. Here’s what else your zodiac sign can expect from the new moon in Capricorn.

What does the new moon in Capricorn mean for your sign?

First, a quick refresher: The moon goes through different cycles, and a new moon is when it’s all but invisible from Earth. In astrology, each new moon is linked up with a different sign, giving it its own special vibe.

This new moon is in Capricorn, and it’s usually a time to make goals and go after them. That’s still in the mix, of course—it is a new year, after all—but it’s a little more complicated right now.

You’ll be very aware of the fact that you have a safe choice and a riskier option with every decision you face. That could be as minor as choosing whether or not to try a new latte your local coffee shop is offering, or as major as whether to leave your job and try something new.

Basically, there’s a “yes, but…” energy swirling around that will make you stop and think a little harder about your next steps. That’s not a bad thing, though: The universe just wants you to make well thought-out plans and, ya know, lean into adulting.

Despite all the thinking going on here, the new moon in Capricorn will make you feel fired up about what’s coming up next and push you to take action. That dream vacation you’ve always wondered if you could afford? It’s finally time to book it. Ditto for making a decision on whether to moving things forward with that friend you’ve been thinking of having something more with. You'll be OK with no matter what you choose and, deep down, you already know this.

The new moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Page says Capricorn and Cancer will feel it the most.

How will the new moon in Capricorn impact the rest of your year?

Sure, pushing off decisions to a later time is easier in the moment, but learning to just pick something already will make you realise that it’s not that hard to take a stance. With that, you’ll move into the rest of 2024 feeling better equipped to decide on things, big and small.

That could mean looking for a new job or deciding to stay put where you are, or trying out that new restaurant in your area that you’ve been eyeing, even though you’re not 100% sure it’s your jam. As you’ll learn, there are no wrong decisions here—only life lessons you pick up along the way.

When is the next new moon?

The next new moon is on February 9, 2024, in the sign of Aquarius. During this full moon, you’ll learn to navigate some complicated emotions—but not in a bad way.

For now, enjoy all that decision-making power you’ve got going on.

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