Mila Kunis' avo toast upgrade is *chef's kiss*

mila kunis breakfast  lunch  dinner
Mila Kunis' avo toast upgrade is *chef's kiss*Getty Images

If you ever needed a little validation that hoovering up your kid's leftovers for breakfast is entirely normal behaviour, then Mila Kunis detailing what she eats in a day is it.

The 39-year-old actress, who shares daughter Wyatt, 8, and son Dimitri, 5 with husband Ashton Kutcher, has got the highly relatable 'busy working mum' vibe down. Sure, there are some shimmers of shiny people Los Angeles in there – frozen smoothie deliveries and prebiotic fizzy drinks, to name a couple – but the rest of her daily diet is very, very normal.

As to how WH has gathered this intel? The Black Swan star recently revealed all to Harper's Bazaar, as part of their Food Diaries series. Scroll on for the specifics.


'The first thing I eat when I wake up is coffee.' Yep, Kunis reveals in the video that a caffeine hit is her priority, when the day starts. She favours 'old school drip coffee', with a vanilla-flavoured oat milk creamer, which she froths up. 'It is wonderful,' she says.


When it comes to food, she leaves it a while. 'I don't eat first thing,' she says. 'I have coffee at 6.30am, take the kiddos to school, back at 8.30, I probably eat around 9-930.' As to her typical breakfast? Often she begins with polishing off her kids morning leftovers, before moving onto avocado toast.

'I grab whatever bread we have... maybe wholegrain bread with nuts and things and texture and crunch, I then grab my avocado, I cut it, I smash it.' She adds seasoning, and, 'if I'm feeling extra feisty I'll add eggs to it. Or sometimes I'll do two eggs, over easy on toast, and then add dips to it – sometimes it's hummus, or I like tzatziki.'


Life is busy, natch. For Kunis, the working day's demands mean she or Kutcher will often 'mish mash' some food together for lunch, often formed of leftovers. One other option is a protein smoothie.

'I get frozen smoothies delivered to the house, she revealed. 'I put protein powder in it, my husband puts in non-dairy for me and then he drops it off at my table and I am super grateful.

'So it's probably not healthy if you're a dietitian, but I'll sometimes have a protein smoothie for lunch.'


The actress, who recently starred in the Netflix film Luckiest Girl Alive, says she likes to mix it up for dinner and admits that every night is different.

'Sometimes I do something called bowl night, where they'll be a salad base and a grain base, like quinoa, and some veg – then they [her husband and kids] can make their own veggie bowl.'

The household eats a lot of fish, because Ashton and her daughter are pescatarians, and they all like to eat together as a family. 'I do not cook two separate meals because I am not a restaurant,' she says. This often looks like baked salmon, or another form of seafood.

As well as a smoothie delivery Mila and her family also have a meal box delivery service twice a week, while Mila's mum, who, like the star is originally from Ukraine, also likes to drop off food for them. 'She'll cook smoked fish and pickles, smoked herring, warm potatoes with dill, salt and olive oil. Her broths and beef stroganoff are delicious,' she says.

The family is not shy about takeaway, with Mila opting for foods that she can't cook: 'I love to order food that I don't make,' she admits, 'I don't make sushi, Thai or Indian – so I will order them out.'

However, pizza is one thing they make at home: 'We did just get a pizza oven, so we've started making pizza ourselves – my husband loves mushrooms, jalapenos, cheese and tomato sauce.'


The actress has a sweet tooth, and although she and Ashton only allow their children a little bit of dessert, the couples raid the freezer, every night.

'The children are always allowed to have a bit of something sweet after dinner,' she says, 'then they go to bed and me and my husband open the freezer and we have ice cream every night – because we're adults,' she jokes.


Of course, liquid matters too, people. 'My honest beverage of choice is wine, and water, because you've got to stay hydrated.' Mila, who rose to fame on the sitcom That 70s show, also admits that she and the rest of the family love a prebiotic soda drink called Poppi. Sounds like a tasty treat!

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