Mike Myers responds to claim he fired The Love Guru security guard for looking at him

Mike Myers has responded to the allegation he got a security guard fired from his 2008 movie The Love Guru for making eye contact with him.

Radio DJ Jay Brody claimed on Twitter earlier this week that the Austin Powers actor had him fired from the comedy because he looked directly at him. In his original tweet, Brody alleged he was Myers's bodyguard, however, he later clarified that he was a security guard assigned to the star's trailer.

Responding to the allegations, Myers's representative told Entertainment Weekly on Wednesday that he was unaware of any terminations during the production.

"Mike knows nothing about this. Not aware of anyone being hired or fired," they stated.

After his initial tweet went viral, Brody went into detail about his allegations on his radio show. He claimed that the security company that hired him for the job warned him that he couldn't look at Myers.

"They're like, 'If you look at him, you're going to get fired,'" Brody claimed. "I'm sitting on the set, first day, first hour, we don't know what he looks like (in costume) yet. And I just see a man approaching (the trailer) in a long wig, a fake beard, and I'm like, 'I think that's Mike Myers.' I look down to not look at him because I don't want to get fired, but I realised I can't just let anyone into the trailer, so I look up, I catch his eye for a second. I give him a nod to let him know I'm cool, and I look away, and within an hour I get a phone call letting me know that I'm fired and I have to get off set because I broke this weird rule."

The Love Guru, also starring Jessica Alba and Justin Timberlake, was a critical and commercial flop upon its release.