Midwife viewers praise "outstanding" acting from sitcom legend
Call the Midwife's eighth series moved forward with its second episode tonight (January 20), and it continued to impress.
The main focus of the episode was Lucille (Leonie Elliott) trying to help a stubborn old lady called Clarice Milgrove (Annette Crosby, famous for her timeless role as One Foot in the Grave's Margaret Meldrew), who was suffering with a leg ulcer.
Clarice's house with full of junk she had hoarded over the years, which caused tension with the authority who were threatening to move her into a home. As we discovered, Clarice had been wrapping up her poo in newspapers and stuffing them up the chimney, showing that she was struggling more than she was letting on.
UK fans!! It's #callthemidwife day!! Tonight at 8pm on @BBCOne - don't miss it. :-) pic.twitter.com/sLzWZ9BcXb
- Call The Midwife (@CallTheMidwife1) January 20, 2019
As Clarice and Lucille bonded, she gifted the latter a medal that revealed her involvement in the suffragettes, which added even more tragedy to her story and thematically tied into the sub-plot of Violet Buckle (Annabelle Apsion) running for the local council. Lucille couldn't do anything to stop Clarice being moved to a home, but managed to convince her to leave of her own free will with dignity rather than be forcibly removed.
Meanwhile, a third plotline centred on a family from Ghana who were discovered to be suffering with sickle cell anaemia, a topic that isn't covered very often on television.
It was Clarice's story that really touched viewers' hearts tonight, with viewers praising the emotional performance from the sitcom legend, with one even calling for her to get a BAFTA.
I’ve always loved Annette Crosbie but that performance was simply outstanding. #callthemidwife
- s (@mrsabberline) January 20, 2019
Can I just say Annette Crosbie in Call the Midwife tonight was the absolute business - what a fabulous actress #parcelsupthechimney
- Jenny Eclair (@jennyeclair) January 20, 2019
#callthemidwife #AnnetteCrosby @CallTheMidwife1 @BBCOne Annette acting’s spot on. Our elderly family member has hoarding issues+hidden health issues. The stubborn endurance, panic and fear Annette portrayed were so familiar. Well done for showing the person beyond the problem.
- El Guiri (@SoyElGuiri) January 20, 2019
Just when you thought it was safe to watch #CallTheMidwife again (Oh Barbara...), they go and bring in Mrs Clarice Millgrove.
I’m not crying, you are. #votesforwomen https://t.co/yT3xdndttb- Hollie Aldridge (@hollie_aldo) January 20, 2019
Running 30 mins late here. Enjoyed my regular Sunday night #callthemidwife blub. Annette crosbie was ace.
- Andy Smith (@john_neptune) January 20, 2019
Can we stop and take a moment to appreciate the performance of Annette Crosbie on #callthemidwife tonight. What an actor.
- Marc Fisher🏏 (@Marcfish86) January 20, 2019
Tonight’s episode on #CallTheMidwife about Sickle Cell Disease was a great watch. Living with Sickle Cell goes beyond just experiencing pain. Thus, there needs to be more representation of in-depth stories in mainstream media #warriors #sicklecelldisease #Donateblood #savelives
- |Leeuin-Nala| (@Elormlove) January 20, 2019
Loved tonight's episode of #callthemidwife and we've converted Dad to being a fan too. It took me a while to realise the lovely old lady's outfit was in suffragette colours (green skirt, white blouse, purple cardi) which I thought was clever plus the sickle cell story was amazing
- ✨Debs Cooper RN✨ (@debscooper131) January 20, 2019
Best episode ever with magnificent acting. Tears all around #callthemidwife
- Toni Jenkins (@amnerisuk) January 20, 2019
I very nearly got through an episode without shedding a tear. Then Miss Milgrove left her medal for Lucille and that was it... the floodgates opened. Every week this programme delivers a very strong message but with such sensitivity, perfection. #CallTheMidwife ❤️ https://t.co/PjRPKlc9v6
- Liz Berry (@Berryliz8) January 20, 2019
BAFTA for Annette Crosbie please? #CalltheMidwife
- George Mann (@sgfmann) January 20, 2019
With last week's illegal abortion storyline leaving viewers "completely broken", Call the Midwife is seemingly on a mission to reduce us all to tears every Sunday night.
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