Mel B isn't here for labelling her sexuality, but is "very open" to dating women

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From Cosmopolitan

Ever since Mel B - that's Melanie Brown to you and me - announced the release of her new memoir Brutally Honest, we've been gagging to get our hands on a copy.

In a new interview with Gay Times, the best Spice Girl (don't @ me) got real about her past relationships and who she'd be up for dating in the future. She's always been open about her sexuality, and has previously spoken about the woman she was in a relationship with for four years.

Chatting to Gay Times' Jamie Tabberer, she explained why that part of her life was being left out of the memoir when she has included details of her relationships with Eddie Murphy, Stephen Belafonte and Jimmy Gulzar. "I didn’t think it was fair to name her, or to put that relationship out there.

"If you care to, you can Google pictures of me and her online. But that wasn’t part of my storytelling for this book."

It also sounds like she's genuinely happy for her ex, too: "She’s now in an amazing, committed relationship with a woman. They’re starting a family together next year."

She also told Tabberer a story about being approached by a fan who wanted her number, but she ended up turning her down by saying, "I’m not really dating at the moment!". She added, "But she was very sweet, I was very flattered."

And talking of dating in the future, she said, "I’m not open to any relationship right now. I’m not actively seeking it. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, I’m very happy carrying on. My priorities are my kids, and myself. But if it happened – be it with a woman or whoever – I’m very open.

"I don’t define my sexuality at all. I know there are words out there: fluid, pan, bi, whatever you want to call it. That’s good for somebody if you need it. Each to their own. But for me, personally, I don’t feel the need to be labeled."

Read the full interview here.

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