Meghan Trainor claims nurses 'shamed her' when she gave birth

It's tough enough being a new mum without being judged for your actions - but Meghan Trainor has said that nurses did just that when she gave birth to her son Riley, 21 months.

Mysteriously the tot slept a lot when he was born, an anomaly that the All about that Bass singer claims was put down to her taking anti-depressants while pregnant. According to Meghan, 28, she was 'on the lowest and safest dose' - which was prescribed by her doctor, and not to blame for Riley's inertia.

She said in an interview with Romper: 'They kept asking me if I was on antidepressants during the pregnancy, and I was, but on the lowest dose possible, and all my doctors said it was safe and wouldn’t affect him.

'It was really f***ed up. They had no name for what was wrong. He just wouldn’t wake up. They said, "It’s really up to Riley when he wants to wake up." I’d be like "Really? Can’t you just zap him and get him up?"'

Similarly, Meghan told TODAY Parents, 'I made sure it was safe and talked to my doctors. They told me, "if you’re happy, then your body will be happy and then your baby will happy." I haven’t had any postpartum depression or anything. I think the medicine definitely helped.'

Riley's birth was incredibly traumatic. He was was born breach and via C-section, and chillingly suffered breathing issues after he was born.

Meghan said, 'it was one of those horror stories where he didn’t cry. He didn’t make noise when he came out. I was like, "Why isn’t he crying?" Then they told me he was having breathing issues. It was terrifying.'

If you are expecting or planning to get pregnant, it's important to speak to your GP. Mind says: 'There are some risks to taking antidepressants during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. These include the following: Possible birth defects. There is evidence that taking SSRIs early in pregnancy slightly increases the risk of your baby developing heart defects, spina bifida or cleft lip.'

The mother-of-one also spoke about her mental health, and how a blend of working out, healthy eating and medication has helped her feel well. 'I’m not ashamed to say I’m on antidepressants. That medicine saved me, saved my life, saved my career. I’m back better than ever. I’m in the best place of my life.'

Since giving birth nearly two years ago Meghan has also put her health and fitness at the forefront - losing 60 pounds, so she can feel confident on stage and while running after Riley.

'I was, like, over 200 pounds when I C-sectioned him out,' the singer confessed about her post-pregnancy body.

Talking to ET Canada she said she learnt about portion control and started to love fitness: 'I learned that I do like healthy food and I learned what portions mean. And I learned my brain is so happy when I exercise.'

She went on to say that rather than choosing a fad diet she lost weight slowly and carefully: 'I worked every day and challenged myself. I was very dedicated and I started seeing the pounds come off like one week at a time.'

The US singer, who has just topped the charts again with her new catchy song Made You Look, went on to say that she wasn't 'ashamed of being on anti-depressants' as it had saved her life. She previously admitted that she had her first panic attack while she was on a live morning TV show in 2016.

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