Megan Fox Makes Cryptic Comments On Instagram Before Deleting Her Profile Amid MGK Breakup Rumours

machine gun kelly megan fox breakup rumours
Megan Fuels MGK Breakup Rumours On IGVivien Killilea - Getty Images

Article updated 13/02/23: Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have sparked new break-up rumours following a cryptic exchange on Instagram, which resulted in Fox deleting her profile entirely.

On February 11, fans began noticing that Megan Fox had removed the majority of images of her fiancé from her Instagram account – and had even unfollowed him. The few remaining accounts that she followed included Eminem, whom her fiancé Machine Gun Kelly has famously feuded with over the years. Talk about petty!

machine gun kelly megan fox breakup rumours
Vivien Killilea - Getty Images

And just to add fuel to the fire, Megan Fox also posted a series of photos with a cryptic caption on the same day, that read 'You can taste the dishonesty/ it’s all over your breath' – lyrics from Beyoncé's song Pray To Catch Me. Fans were quick to guess that the post was aimed at Kelly and implies that he may have been unfaithful, particularly since the lyrics are from the song in which Beyoncé famously spoke of her husband's infidelity. The same carousel post also included a video in which Fox seems to be burning a bag and a letter in a fire.

Fox has since deleted her Instagram account entirely – but not before Comments By Celebs got a screenshot of a very suggestive-sounding exchange between the actor and a fan. One fan commented on her photo carousel, 'he probably got with Sophie' – a possible reference to guitarist Sophie Lloyd, who tours with Fox's fiancé, and around whom recent cheating rumours have been centred. 'Maybe I got with Sophie,' Fox responded, with the addition of a fire emoji.

Neither Fox nor Kelly have spoken publicly since, and news of their split has not yet been confirmed. The couple were last seen together just a few hours prior to said Instagram post and subsequent account de-activation, at Drake's Super Bowl party in Arizona.

Original article published on 28/10/22: For those wondering about the state of the union between self-proclaimed 'twin flames' Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly, look no further than Fox's latest, very public and pretty graphic Instagram comment on his page.

After weeks of speculation that the two's relationship was in trouble because they weren't seen out much together, Fox made it clear that she's still deeply enamoured with Kelly.

After attending the Time100 Next Gala with him this week, Fox wrote on his last Instagram post—featuring photos of him from that night—'Never has anyone with better bone structure walked this earth. Exquisitely, devastatingly handsome. And 6 foot 5? Kill me or get me pregnant. Those are the only options [sic].'

Fox's public comment comes the same week Us Weekly ran a report detailing that she and Kelly did hit a slight rough spot but overcame it.

'[They're] working hard on themselves,' a source told the outlet on October 24.

'They’ve worked on their problems and worked really hard to get to the place where they are today.

'It’s still a struggle at times and they tend to have a lot of ups and downs.

'He is making a lot of effort to be more mature. He’s not always easy to deal with. He still has this teenage side to him.

'They have their differences at times where he likes to stay out late and party, and she’s okay with going home early.'

megan fox and machine gun kelly in new york city on october 25, 2022
Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly in New York City on October 25, 2022THE HAPA BLONDE - Getty Images

'There was a point months ago where she was beyond done with him,' the source added.

'She was fed up with his BS. It got really bad between them. He loves her so much and was the one that pushed to make it work.

'He wanted it to work and wanted them to be a happy couple. She was having a hard time, but things have turned around.'

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