Madrid is putting an end to manspreading

<i>Manspreading has become a global problem [Photo: Getty]</i>
Manspreading has become a global problem [Photo: Getty]

Transport authorities in Madrid are taking a stand against the selfish practice of manspreading.

The term describes “the posture of men who open their legs too wide and take up neighbouring seats.”

The Spanish Capital’s Municipal Transport Company (EMT) has launched a campaign in partnership with women’s group Microrrelatos Feministas.

“All public transport has stickers explaining that room needs to be made for pregnant women, people with buggies, older people and those with disabilities, but there’s something that affects all of us practically every time we use public transport: manspreading,” the group commented.

In a bid to discourage manspreading, signs will be put up on trains showing a red man invading his neighbouring seat.

Although the term originated in the UK, manspreading has become a problem across the world.

A similar initiative was put in place on the New York subway system in 2014 with the title: “Dude, stop the spread please. It’s a space issue.”

The Madrid campaign was a response to these other success stories, according to EMT: “This new information sign is similar to those that already exist in other transport systems around the world to stop people adopting a posture that makes others uncomfortable.”

London, it’s your turn next.

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