I Made An Unhinged Sims Generator And The Results Are Surprisingly Good, TBH — Now, It's Time For You To Try

Let's be honest here: We've all committed some questionable acts towards our sims growing up. For me, it was when my older brother taught me that I could remove the pool ladder, AKA murder. For others, it might have been committing adulterous affairs, AKA woohoo-ing Mortimer Goth in the hot tub. All totally normal and kid-friendly activities!

We created a super-easy AI generator at the bottom of this post so you can take a walk down memory lane and create an unhinged scene of your own. Share your photo in the comments below to be entered to win $100!

Maybe you want to memorialize the Wonka Glasgow Experience in the video game universe forever...

Illustration of a character with green hair in a science lab setting from The Sims videogame

Prompt: "sad woman with short green hair in laboratory"

Or maybe you want to give Taylor Swift a new era as a crossing guard...

Avatar in a simulation game wearing safety vest and jeans, standing on a street with traffic signs around

Prompt: "Taylor Swift dressed as crossing guard"

And maybe, just maybe, you just want to make a cowboy cat...

Cat wearing a cowboy hat and backpack in a virtual game setting

Prompt: "cat wearing a cowboy hat"

Whatever it is, it's time to unleash your creativity (and maybe earn $100 while you're at it)! Use our easy and custom AI Sims builder and type in your prompt below:

Show us your best creations in the comments! This contest will be closed to submissions on March 28 2024 at 1 p.m. EST.

This post was enhanced using AI-powered creativity tools.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Starts March 21, 2024; ends March 28, 2024. Must be 13+ and legal resident of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. Official rules here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeedlabs/image-contest-rules-sims 

Sponsor: BuzzFeed, Inc. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED.