M&S Christmas ad gives boy with Down’s Syndrome new celebrity status

A four-year-old boy with Down’s Syndrome became the star of Marks and Spencer's Christmas advert

A boy who became the first person with Down’s Syndrome to appear in a British TV advert has become a celebrity at school.

Mum Caroline White says four-year-old son Seb is now famous in his home town after starring in the M&S Christmas commercial.

Blond-haired Seb from Bath, Somerset, featured in the high street chain's Christmas advert and inside the M&S magazine after mum Caroline made a plea to the retailer on Facebook.

[Related: Boy with Down's Syndrome chosen as new M&S model]

After seeing his face on TV and in magazines, Caroline said Seb’s friends have been asking if he will appear - on Strictly Come Dancing.

Caroline, 39, contacted M&S after noticing how rarely children with Down’s Syndrome and other disabilities appeared in media adverts. She hoped her son would be chosen to appear in an ad to help break down barriers for those with the condition.

Since Seb's TV debut Caroline said her family has received dozens of emotional messages of support from celebs and well-wishers.

[Related: Marks and Spencer unveil celebrity-free Christmas advert]

Caroline said: “He absolutely loves it - the second the advert comes on he is aware he’s in it. He sits and he goes ‘wait, wait, wait’ and then when he comes on he gives a big cheer.

“One of his little friends asked ‘Does Seb only come to school Wednesday to Friday because on Monday to Tuesday he is making clothes for Marks & Spencer?’”

She added: “Another friend said ‘Is Seb famous enough to go on Strictly Come Dancing?’, which I thought was pretty cute.”

Seb’s mum expressed her happiness at all the positive reactions saying: “We’ve made a piece of history and no one can take that away from us now.”