Are low-alcohol and alcohol-free drinks *actually* healthy?

are low alcohol and alcohol free drinks healthy
Are low-alcohol and alcohol-free drinks healthy?Getty Images

Attempting to cut back on the booze for Sober October?

You’re not alone. More and more people are cutting down by using alcohol-free and low-alcohol drinks. In fact, according to figures from a 2021 Drinkaware report, one in five UK adults use alcohol-free drinks as a way of moderating their alcohol consumption.

And alcohol-free drinks are booming. According to the British Beer and Pub Association, sales of low and no-alcohol beer in pubs have jumped by 23% during the past year compared with the previous 12 months, and have more than doubled since 2019.

So, if you’ve become savvy to how alcohol affects your body, and you’re thinking of giving up alcohol, then know that there are plenty of low-alcohol and alcohol-free drinks out there – hey, there’s even an alcohol-free version of your much-loved G&T.

But, before you replace your alcoholic beverage of choice with a low-alcohol or alcohol-free alternative, you might want to read Dr Hazel Wallace’s professional take on whether they’re really worth it.

What are low-alcohol and alcohol-free drinks?

‘Low-alcohol drinks are those that have an alcoholic strength by volume (ABV) less than 1.2%, while alcohol-free refers to beverages that have an ABV content of 0.05% or below. ABV is a measure of the amount of pure alcohol as a percentage of the total volume of liquid, so this means that for an average bottle of wine that has ‘12% ABV’ on the label, 12% of the volume of that wine is pure alcohol.’

‘This is not the same as the number of units of alcohol, but it can be used to calculate them: multiply the ABV percentage by the volume in ml, then divide by 1000. So, a standard large glass (250ml) of 12% ABV wine would be approximately three units. In comparison, a glass of alcohol-free wine (0.05%) would only clock up 0.0125 of a unit.’

‘Another term often used is ‘reduced-alcohol’, which refers to drinks with an alcohol content lower (at least 30%) than the average strength of a particular type of drink. However, no specific conditions of use have been set in the UK or EU legislation for that particular claim.’

How are low-alcohol and alcohol-free drinks made?

‘You may remember from chemistry at school that alcohol is made through a process of fermentation, where yeast is used to convert sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide. Low-alcohol or alcohol-free drinks can still be made in this way, but the product may only undergo limited or partial fermentation or, in the case of alcohol-free versions, the producers would typically make the drink much the same as normal, then separate out the alcohol.’

What are the health benefits of consuming low-alcohol or alcohol-free drinks?

1. Less alcoholic units

In the short term, if you’re drinking fewer units of alcohol in one drinking session, you are less likely to feel intoxicated (ie drunk) and therefore you’re likely to sleep better, not need to google ‘hangover cures’ the next day, and, subsequently, be less likely to lounge on the sofa watching box sets and ordering pizza to help you to feel human again.

Essentially, less alcohol consumed tends to allow for healthier behaviours.

The UK Chief Medical Officers’ guideline, for both men and women, is that to keep health risks from alcohol (think cancer, liver and heart disease, stroke and damage to the brain and nervous system) to a low level, it is safest not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis.

Those units can rack up quite quickly (it’s the equivalent of about six glasses of wine or six pints of beer spread across one week) so swapping to low-alcohol or alcohol-free drinks on some occasions may help you stay within that target.

However, paradoxically, it has been shown that some people may actually end up drinking more if drinks are labelled as lower in strength. This is because marketing of these lower alcohol products may encourage consumers to use them as a replacement for fizzy drinks, rather than a replacement for alcoholic drinks, and may also encourage people to drink more often – for example, at lunch.

2. Less calories and sugar

Low-alcohol or alcohol-free drinks are often marketed as having fewer calories and less sugar than the full-alcohol alternative and therefore can help to support a healthy lifestyle. However, this is not a guarantee and it depends entirely on the type of drink, the brand, any mixer used, and the amount consumed.

Comparing a standard Becks Bier to their alcohol-free version, there are about half the calories in the former but a comparable amount of sugar. Surprisingly, when comparing an alcohol-free Sauvignon Blanc to a standard white wine there is actually more sugar, but less calories, overall.

Becks Beer Blue (Alcohol Free) Beer (per 100ml)

Calories: 14kcal (per bottle: 53kcal)
Fat: 0g
Carbohydrate: 3.1g (of which sugars 0.2g)
Protein: 0.3g

Vs. Becks Beer (per 100ml)

Calories: 38.4kcal (per bottle: 105kcal)
Fat: 0g
Carbohydrate: 2.60g (of which sugars 0.10g)
Protein: 0.52g

Eisberg Alcohol-Free Sauvignon Blanc (per 100ml)

Calories: 22kcal (per 250ml glass: 55kcals)
Fat: 0g
Carbohydrate: 4.9g (of which sugars 4.9g)
Protein: 0g

Vs. Average white wine 8%-13.5% ABV (per 100ml)

Calories: 75kcal (per 250ml glass: 187.5kcal)
Fat: 0g
Carbohydrate: 3g (of which sugars 3g)
Protein 0.1g


‘I’m sure you’ve heard, or read, that a glass of red wine is good for you. When it comes to alcohol and health, the situation is complex.’

‘There is some evidence to say that light to moderate consumption of alcohol (about one drink per day) can reduce your risk of certain health conditions, in particular heart disease and stroke. Yet, in another report, it was deemed that no amount of alcohol is safe and that all of the risks outweigh any potential benefits. I’m still hedging my bets. While there is no doubt that heavy drinking is harmful, it is not likely that very small amounts of alcohol consumption are detrimental to the individual. With that said, though, if you don’t drink alcohol, I wouldn’t start drinking for the potential heart-health benefits.’

alcohol free drinks - womens health uk
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A doctor's verdict on low-alcohol and alcohol-free drinks

‘Low-alcohol or alcohol-free drinks are wonderful for occasions when you don’t want to drink, and you don’t want to feel left out sipping on a glass of OJ. Just don’t make the mistake of choosing them in addition to the alcoholic drinks that you consume already, or you could be racking up a lot more alcohol than you realise. To add to that, if you do fancy the odd glass of wine or G&T, then don’t feel guilty about that either.’

‘Alcohol-free beverages are the better choice for anyone who wants, or needs to, avoid alcohol altogether. Low-alcohol beverages may be a better choice for people who want to reduce their alcohol intake, however, it’s important to note that if you have a problem with alcohol, you may be best avoiding alcoholic drinks, or alcohol mimics, of any kind. Always speak to your GP or health care provider if you have any concerns about your alcohol consumption.’

While you’re here, why not try our favourite non-alcoholic drinks

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