Loose Women star rushed to hospital in terrifying health scare as they miss show

Anne Diamond on GB News
Anne Diamond was rushed to hospital -Credit:(Image: GB News)

Loose Women presenter Anne Diamond was rushed to hospital after a scary health experience that caused paramedics to "go white".

The 69 year old, who has recently undergone treatment for breast cancer, explained her sudden absence from hosting duties on GB News due to worryingly high blood pressure.

The star spilled the beans on her GBNews Breakfast show: "Some of you have been asking why I've been off. The reason I've been off was a lot to do with stonkingly high blood pressure."

While she hasn't yet received a complete diagnosis, she expressed that the high blood pressure was undoubtedly a significant part of the problem.

Anne Diamond on GB News
Anne Diamond on GB News -Credit:(Image: GB News)

Describing her shock, she confessed: "I didn't realise that I had such incredibly high blood pressure. When the paramedics saw it they sort of went white and said, 'Well, you're off to hospital.' And that was that," reports the Express.

The star then highlighted the importance of everyone staying on top of their blood pressure checks regardless of age, saying: "It just made me think because wherever you go nowadays, in the doctor's surgery or in a pharmacy, there's always a notice up about it. And it doesn't matter how young you think you are, you ought to take your blood pressure. It's an easy thing to do and all the rest of it, but it's clearly an enormous thing too."

Anne stressed: "I just think that maybe there is a lot more sort of campaigning to be done, I've done a sort of crash course in the last month. But high blood pressure is a real problem, and probably low blood pressure is as well. But your blood pressure is massively important."

Anne Diamond
Anne has been a presenter on Loose Women -Credit: ITV

The star continued: "And the younger you are keeping an eye on it, the less likely you are to have any big problems later in life. Obviously it impacts absolutely everything so maybe we should all be a little bit more blood pressure aware."

Anne reassured her fans that her blood pressure was finally under control and she's feeling much better now.

Her latest health scare is amidst her previously shared breast cancer diagnosis, which led to a double mastectomy.

She admitted, "It's been a fight against breast cancer. That's what it's been. It's been a long journey. And five months later, I'm still not at the end of the journey, but I'm through it enough to come back to work."