How Long Will Homemade Cold Brew Concentrate Last In The Fridge?

Hand pouring cold brew concentrate into water
Hand pouring cold brew concentrate into water - Duygu Coban/Getty Images

Cold brew is such a darling on the modern coffee scene that you might not believe that it was invented over 400 years ago, in Kyoto, Japan. This style of brewing coffee does indeed hail back to the 1600s, and the simplicity and convenience of the method reflects a simpler time. Today, many people still love drinking their coffee ice-cold and extra-strong all year round, and a cold brew gets the job done.

If you're one of the many fans of cold brew in this world, and you haven't tried making your own cold brew concentrate yet, this is your sign. (For those that don't already know, a cold-extracted coffee concentrate is the main ingredient in cold brew, the other being water.) The concentrate is super easy to make, and saves you money down the line by eliminating constant trips to a coffee shop. Plus, once you brew some, it lasts a pretty long time, too.

Cold brew concentrate should keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. However, the actual amount of time it will stay fresh for depends on a few factors. One of the most important is how you choose to store your concentrate. If it isn't kept correctly in the fridge, it won't stay good for nearly as long. So if you're unsure about the current storage methods you're using for your cold brew, learn some tips on how to properly store your concentrate so that it keeps for as long as possible.

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How To Properly Store Your Cold Brew Concentrate

Two bottles of cold brew concentrate
Two bottles of cold brew concentrate -

Like many temperature-sensitive products, cold brew concentrate should be kept in an airtight container in your fridge. Exactly which container you use is up to you, but common options are mason jars or a sealable carafe or bottle. These containers keep air from getting into your concentrate, which helps it lasts up to two weeks -- or perhaps even longer. Of course, even though this drink does have the potential to keep for quite a while, it's best to drink it sooner rather than later to prevent any loss of flavor.

If your concentrate goes bad before that two-week mark, you'll likely know it. It will smell sour, and if you want to take a chance and sample it, it will taste extremely bitter. So if you're nearing the end of that two-week period, always check your concentrate before drinking it to make sure it's still good.

If you really want your concentrate to last a little longer than two weeks, you can opt to freeze it, too. And if you're completely new to the homemade cold brew game, we have some tips for you beyond the storage of this vital ingredient. Here's how you can make some cold brew concentrate for yourself at home.

How To Make This Rich Concentrate For Yourself

A mason jar filled with coffee grounds and water
A mason jar filled with coffee grounds and water - Georgeclerk/Getty Images

To make your own cold brew concentrate, consider how much you want to make, then simply upscale a basic ratio. Everyone prefers a different strength in their coffee, but one popular ratio is a ½ cup of coffee grounds for every 1 cup of water.

Once you've picked a ratio, grind the coffee beans of your choosing on a coarse setting. Place these grounds in an airtight vessel and cover them with water. Stir this mixture together, then seal it and stick in the fridge. Let it sit for anywhere between 12 to 24 hours. (The amount of time will depend on how caffeinated and bold you want your concentrate to be.) Once the time is up, strain the solids out of mixture and pour the concentrate into a smaller vessel -- you're done!

From here, you can pour your concentrate into a glass with water and ice, and add any sort of milk, syrup, or other add-ins you desire. You could even add some of the concentrate into a caramelized marinade to add some depth to a steak dinner, or into a chocolate dessert to round out those familiar dark and rich flavors with some caffeine. It's that simple, so give this easy recipe a try -- just make sure you use up all your concentrate before it goes off.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.