Linda Robson shares sweet family photos to mark celebration

Loose Women panellist Linda Robson had a big reason to celebrate over the weekend as her only son Louis turned 27. The family enjoyed a meal together to mark the occasion, and Linda also paid tribute to the aspiring musician on her Instagram page. The Birds of a Feather actress uploaded a series of family photos from over the years, along with videos of Louis performing his songs on stage. In the caption, she wrote "Happy 27th birthday to my wonderful son @louisdunford love you and so very proud of you xxxx." Fans were quick to comment on the post, with many praising Louis' music talents. One wrote: "Your son has a lovely voice Linda," while another said: "Linda, I've just listened to your son's singing. WOW. He's amazing and I could listen to him singing all night." Louis most recently released a song called Hello Depression, to help raise awareness of mental health.


Linda Robson enjoyed celebrating with her family over the weekend

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Linda has been keeping a low profile over the past few weeks, and her fans have been missing her on Loose Women – where she works as one of the regular panellists. Instead, the actress has been enjoying spending some quality time with her family. Linda has been married to husband Mark Dunford since 1990, and the couple share Louis and daughter Roberta, born in 1996. The TV star is also a mother to daughter Lauren, form a previous relationship. Lauren has two daughters, Lila, four and one-year-old Betsy. Linda often proudly talks about her family on Loose Women, and adores being a grandmother.

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Linda paid tribute to son Louis on his birthday

Last year, Linda opened up about her happy marriage during an appearance on Loose Women, and revealed that she used to babysit Mark when they were younger. Speaking about their childhood, she shared: "I used to babysit for Mark – he was a couple of years younger than me… I was 16 and he was 13 and a half, and he was a bit of a pain, to be honest. And we lived in the street next to each other."

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