Lewis Capaldi has tried cannabis and therapy to calm his Tourette’s and anxiety

Lewis Capaldi has tried cannabis and therapy to calm his Tourette’s and anxiety.

The singer, 26, who revealed in September he was suffering tics and twitches from Tourette’s, also said his medication has decreased his libido and makes it hard for him to orgasm.

Lewis told The Guardian on Monday (24.10.22): “I’ve got medical cannabis, sertraline for my anxiety, I’ve done CBIT therapy (Comprehensive Behavioural Intervention for Tics), where they try to change where your tic is to something less invasive or more obstructing.

“But for me, so far, none of it has worked. I’m still learning a lot about it: I don’t know too much and that’s on me – I need to do my due diligence a bit.

“But right now, I don’t want to take on too much about it. Because if learning about this fucking thing is going to make me more stressed about it… I mean, I’ll tell you what works – eating well, exercising, therapy, not boozing as much. I need to be mindful of that.”

He also told in a new interview with the ‘Zach Sang Show’ about the side-effects of his anti-anxiety medication: “(Sertraline) made me feel better for a bit but also, how do I say this? It makes it hard to climax. It’s like I’m on a roller coaster that’s going up and up and it never comes down.

“It just keeps going up and up. So, that was an issue, it also decreased libido in general. Obviously, a sex machine like myself that’s just not going to fly.

“There’s too many young ladies out there that would be hard done by if I was to take away my libido.

“I still take that because you’ve got to keep it in check somehow. I am like, ‘Woah, now boy‘!”

Lewis continued in his chat with The Guardian his up-and-down health phases are no good for his body and he craves balance in his life.

He said: “I go through phases: I’ll do two months, no booze, eating well, going to the gym and I’ll lose a bit of weight, feel grand and then think: ‘This is boring – I need to blow off some steam.’

“So I go out at the weekend, and then the week after, think, ‘I don’t feel like I really got it out of my system’ and have four weeks where I go out every weekend. Which is normal, but for my body, it doesn’t work. What I need to do is find some balance in my life.”

Lewis also revealed he has been hit with the fear he may never again get on stage due to his Tourette’s.

He said: “I still get that from time to time now. I’ve got two shows in Switzerland the week after next and I’m thinking, ‘F***, I hope my twitch just doesn’t kick in.’ It’s always at the back of my thoughts.”