The Lazy Man’s Last-Minute Guide to the London Marathon

a young man jogging past tower bridge in london
The Lazy Man’s Guide to the London MarathonSLIK PICTURES

They say ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’, and there’s nowhere this hackneyed phrase is more pertinent than marathon prep. You’re fit enough to run 26.2 miles, so you’re clearly no stranger to hard graft and sore limbs. But all that effort will amount to nothing if you leave your running number at home or don't prepare properly.

With that in mind, MH – as ever — is here to help, ensuring that you're not wasting precious energy stressing over race day logistics. Let us get you to the start line with our lazy man's last-minute guide to the London Marathon.

What Should I Eat Before the London Marathon?

In the two to three days leading up to the London, go high-carb or go home. As a general rule, up your intake to 8-10g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight. Pair pasta, wholemeal toast and brown rice with lean protein and be sure to include plenty of fresh fruit and veg to up your numbers.

Eat little and often, stay hydrated and don’t be tempted by booze from now until the finish line. Sure, beer’s full of carbs, but a few too many IPAs will dehydrate you and your performance will pay the price. Besides, that victory pint will taste far better post-race. If you’re up early enough to eat four hours before your race, make the meal a big one (up to 1,000 calories). If you’ve only got two hours, eat a smaller meal of 300 to 400 calories. Porridge, bagels, bananas and energy bars are all ideal pre-race food. Here are some good examples.

How Do I Get to the London Marathon Start Line?

The easiest way to get there is by train. If you’re a Blue Start or Good For Age runner, head to Blackheath station. Red Start runners, you’ve got the choice of Greenwich station and Maze Hill station. Green Start runners, make a beeline for Maze Hill only. Don’t tap in or buy a ticket – travel is free for all competitors, just present your running number at the station. Once you’re in the right start area, drop off your kitbag and join your given Start Zone. Give yourself plenty of time. And then a bit more.

How Should I Prepare for the London Marathon?

Chances are you’re going to be hanging around a lot before the pistol fires, so staying warm is crucial. Start shivering and you’ll begin to burn through those precious glycogen stores; something you’ll regret come mile 22. Equally, warming up too soon – or too intensely – spells trouble ahead. Instead, determine the minimum amount of warm-up to prepare your body for running at race pace, and stay warm, dry, and calm until then. No matter what, finish warming up no more than 10 minutes before the race starts. Read our guide to stretching and mobility, here, to work out what's best for you.

Arm, Joint, Muscle, Leg, Knee, Sitting, Abdomen, Chest, Physical fitness,
Arm, Joint, Muscle, Leg, Knee, Sitting, Abdomen, Chest, Physical fitness,

Should I Warm up for the London Marathon?

If you’re a first-timer or just aiming to finish, don’t bother: the first few miles — which tend to be considerably slower owing to the crowds — should sort out any cold muscles. If you’re looking to shave some time off your training pace, however, start with a five-minute run around 30 minutes before the race. Gradually increase your pace to finish one minute per mile slower than race pace. Stretch for 10 minutes – leg swings and walking lunges are a good start – then run for another five, reaching race pace for the final 30 seconds. Stretch again and take a few sips of a sports drink to top up those carb reserves. You’re good to go.

What Should I Take with Me?

Painkillers, a salty snack for the finish line, a tenner, a packet of tissues, plastic bags, lip balm, vaseline, wet wipes, safety pins, comfortable clothing, sunscreen, blister plasters, spare shoes or flip flops. Place these in the bag provided to you by London Marathon and retrieve them from the baggage trucks at the end for a considerably easier journey home.

Arm, Bed sheet, Leg, Bedding, Linens, Textile, Photography, Gesture, Elbow, Sleep,
Arm, Bed sheet, Leg, Bedding, Linens, Textile, Photography, Gesture, Elbow, Sleep,

Any Final Words of Wisdom?

As you'll be fretting the night before, you probably won't sleep well. Instead, get as much sleep as possible in the nights preceding race day — these four tips will definitely help — to make sure you're topped-up on quality slumber. Don’t deviate from your plan: leave your box-fresh running shoes at home, don't try new kit and stick to the breakfast you've been eating consistently during training. Pace yourself, especially in the first six miles, and load your pockets with energy gels for when the going gets tough. You’ve got this.

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