Knowing your Saturn sign can help you overcome life's biggest obstacles

saturn planet with rings in outer space among star dust and srars titan moon seen elements of this image furnished by nasa
How your Saturn sign impacts your life journeyElen11 - Getty Images


You feel more fulfilled when you’re in an environment that allows you to speak up about your feelings and not be judged or boxed in for that. You have an emotional need to be first, whether it’s grabbing the new iPhone that was just released or climbing the corporate ladder faster than other people your age. You’re easily inspired and can jump into things before you realize if it’s what you really want. But you also like to be challenged and will fight for things you believe in. You love championing a good cause, and can get a lot of fulfillment out of that.


You like material goods, Taurus. Your love language comes in the form of gifts and you want to be comfortable in life. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s important to know that this is the case, and to make sure that you don’t stay in a bad situation or relationship because the material side of it is good. BTW: Good sex is pretty important to you in a relationship. If it’s lacking, you may go elsewhere. You also don’t like to be pushed into things, and want to make sure that you have time to think things over before you act.


You need to be heard and listened to, in life and at work. That’s also true in relationships—you need a partner who is a good communicator, or it just won’t work. You have a constant need to work to feel content and peaceful in your inner mind and, if you don’t, you’ll keep working at it until you do. You may end up juggling more than one relationship at once to find what you really like—and that’s OK.


You’re very emotional, Cancer, and tend to have a lot of feelings. You want to take care of others, but deep down you also want to make sure you’re taken care of. You can hang on to relationships past their prime because you don’t want to throw away all the energy and effort you put into them, making it painful to let go. You also want a home where you can feel comfortable, and love the idea of creating your own family.


You like to shine, Leo, and crave being the center of attention. You have an emotional need to be appreciated, whether it’s in a relationship or at work. Even though you want everyone to see that you’re special, the world doesn’t necessarily work that way—and you have to learn to make peace with that. You love to have fun and party, and can be very generous and loyal with your friends. Just know that loyalty has its limits—people change, and don’t always deserve your love with time.


You have a need to be able to have your life in order, Virgo. Maybe your closet has to be arranged a certain way, or your work life has to be just so. Whatever it is, it’s OK. However, it’s important to recognize that perfection isn’t always possible: Sometimes you just have to let things go. You’re also happy and fulfilled when you feel like you’re living a healthy lifestyle. You can be picky in relationships, but there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you’re not so picky that you write off someone who can be amazing for you.


You love relationships, Libra, and you’re always looking for your other half. You love having someone to do things with, whether it’s a friend or S.O. You tend to be super accommodating, and people naturally gravitate toward you. You naturally want to choose a partner who is like you so there’s not a lot of arguing in the relationships. Just make sure that you’re not taken advantage of. Your desire to be a natural peacemaker can leave you open to being a doormat if you’re not careful.


You’re intense at times and can have trust issues, but you’re also a very intuitive person. You know when people are lying to you, and hate when people keep secrets from you. You like to know everything about others in order to feel like you can trust them, but it’s important to learn to trust your intuition—otherwise, you’ll just end up being totally paranoid that other people will hurt you. You also dig competition. Just make sure that stays more along the lines of working out and advancing your career and less in competing with someone else for love—that only spells trouble.


You want it all, Sag, and there’s nothing wrong with that. You crave freedom, traveling the world, and knowing as much as possible. You can get unhappy when you feel trapped, whether it’s in a relationship or by life circumstances.

You need to be with someone that you feel will let you grow and won’t keep you tied down. You have a fear of being judged, but you also tend to judge others. You tend to get drawn into arguments and debates, and love to be right. Just know that it’s not going to happen every time—and that’s OK.


You have a fear of not having everything be just so, and love being prepared for everything that life might throw at you. But you want to be so prepared in life that you can spend years preparing for a promotion because you don’t want to get into something where you’ll fail. Just know that it’s important to be willing to take a risk here and there. In relationships, you’re very loyal once you commit—it just can take you a little time to get to that point. You’re super responsible, but need to have strong boundaries so your reliability isn’t taken advantage of at work.


You have a strong need to be different and find where you belong, Aquarius. You love experiences with people, places, and situations that are different from what you grew up with, and are often drawn to people from different cultures and countries. Still, you’re always be looking for someplace to fit in. If you’re not able to have new experiences, you can feel detached from the people around you, which is why it’s so crucial for you to travel when you can. You have a need for strong friendships and relationships and will often stay buddies with an ex when things don’t work out.


You’re the romantic of the zodiac, and love being loved. But you can get into trouble when you feel that life is unfair or that someone is treating you badly. You can easily end up feeling victimized. You often want to have answers to questions that are unanswerable, and can be seriously impacted by tragedies. You find fulfillment when you can do something where you help alleviate suffering or do something that you believe in, even if it’s as simple as helping a friend out.

If you're an amateur astrologer, you know your Sun sign and probably your Moon sign, but what about your Saturn sign? It's a pretty important aspect of your astrological personality, especially as you age. Why? Because, in astrology, Saturn is the planet of restrictions, limitations, and responsibilities. Basically, it's the “adulting” planet, guiding you along the process of maturation.

What does Saturn represent in your birth chart?

As the last visible planet in the sky, Saturn is a defining force, tasked with helping create structure and order in your life. So it should come as no surprise to learn that the ringed planet represents anything and anyone that has authority over you. Throughout childhood, it denotes parents (especially father figures), teachers, and elders. In adulthood, it signifies bosses, mentors, and even the government.

Within your internal life, Saturn defines how you parent yourself and respond to life’s most significant challenges. The zodiac sign and astrological house that Saturn occupies in your birth chart also colors your ability to show up for yourself and build something meaningful. Translation: You will struggle the most in the area of life (a.k.a. astrological house) this planet occupies, but eventually, this is the area you can—and hopefully will!—master.

How does Saturn function in astrology?

Every seven years, Saturn will pay you a visit to “check up on your overall maturation progress.” These check-ups happen when you turn 7, 14, 21, 29, 36, 43, 51, and 59. The most significant visits occur at age 29, when you experience your first Saturn return—and at age 59, when you experience your second Saturn return.

Whenever Saturn pays you a visit, you are asked to focus and work hard. However, in the end, you'll be rewarded for a job well done. It is very common to get engaged or married, begin a high-profile job, become a parent, or buy a house whenever Saturn is activated in your birth chart. On the flip side, these Saturn activations also happen to be times in which people pay the consequences of reckless acts. After all, because Saturn has a strong connection to justice, it is the "planetary ruler of karma." (Karma tends to have a negative connotation, but that's not always the case here—the ringed planet can bring either positive or negative karma back to you based on your actions.)

If you don’t know your Saturn sign, you can discover it by entering your birth data in this free online birth chart calculator. Ahead, here's everything you need to know about your Saturn sign and the life lessons it has in store for you:

Saturn in Aries

Aries is typically considered the “leader of the pack” in astrology, but if your Saturn is in this zodiac sign, you may have difficulty showing and harnessing your leadership skills. Learning to assert yourself will be key for self-growth, as will not getting down on yourself when you fail. (It happens to everyone!)

What's more: Because Mars rules your sense of responsibility, working toward one big ultimate life goal is the secret to your success. You'll also benefit from doing strategic sports, like martial arts or tennis, because they can help you move past the need to achieve instant gratification.

aries october 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned

Saturn in Taurus

If you have stern Saturn in Taurus, one of your life lessons is to master the material, tangible realm. It’s crucial that you don’t allow a scarcity mindset to inform your ability to attract wealth and even love. Focusing on building a secure and stable foundation for yourself and your people is your main priority, but that shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying the pleasures of life.

And since Venus—the planet of personal values—is your absolute teacher, learning to truly value yourself as well as your unique talents is also key.

taurus jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

Saturn in Gemini

If you were born with Saturn in Gemini, learning to express yourself in an orderly, organised manner is one of life’s biggest lessons. Perhaps due to childhood preconditioning, you may find it hard to share your ideas. Establishing a closer connection with communication planet Mercury will be important for you throughout your life, so a career in writing, editing, research, or education could be instrumental to finding your voice.

gemini october 2023 horoscope
Aya Kakeda - Hearst Owned

Saturn in Cancer

If the ringed planet was in Cancer when you were born, you may have had a difficult childhood. Perhaps you lacked a sense of real safety or security and even experienced “tough love” from your parents.

To overcome these feelings, it’s crucial that you allow yourself to be vulnerable, open yourself to love, and create your chosen family. Pursuing a career that encourages you to show your nurturing side can allow you to find healing within yourself and put you on a fulfilling life path.

cancer jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

Saturn in Leo

Being born with Saturn in Leo means you may have difficulty expressing your talents and, perhaps, what makes you truly unique. Learning how to thrive in the “limelight” will enable to grow and evolve.

As the sun (a star!) rules over Leo, it urges you to express yourself by showing the world the beautiful things you can create. A career in the arts and even embracing a hobby as a performer can help you overcome your (literal and figurative) stage fright.

leo jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

Saturn in Virgo

If your Saturn sign is in Virgo, you are a master at building strong foundations and creating success in your career. You have impeccable attention to detail, which most likely landed you a job as an editor, fact-checker, or even accountant.

However, this planet-sign combination also means you have a tendency to overwork yourself. While your devotion to perfectionism is admirable, it can also drive you to have weak boundaries and eventually burn yourself out. Learning to relax and be less nit-picky with yourself and others is your biggest life lesson.

virgo jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda


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Saturn in Libra

Being born with Saturn in Libra gives you an incredible sense of responsibility. Whether it’s career, friendships, or love—when you’re in it, you’re in it for the long haul. You trust people and they trust you, as you’re a master in the art of relating to others.

You do struggle with indecision, though, due to a deep fear of making a mistake. To avoid this analysis paralysis, you must trust that you’re doing your best. Libra is Saturn’s absolute favourite sign to be in (lucky you!), so trust in your innate ability to see both sides of the story.

libra jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

Saturn in Scorpio

Having the planet of responsibility in the most intense of all zodiac signs makes you incredibly strong and resilient. Possessing all that Saturn-Scorpio power and stamina means you can do it all.

However, being a force of nature also comes with a deep fear of being vulnerable. To avoid feeling stiff and getting stuck, it’s crucial that you embrace the power of change—it's the only constant in life, after all! Learning to trust others and relate to them on an intimate level is also a key part of your lifelong journey.

scorpio jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

Saturn in Sagittarius

If your Saturn is in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius, you may have a bit of trouble accessing this feeling at times. You must realise that your periods of growth are intermittent—they won't always arrive when you expect them.

A true philosopher in nature, you do better when you focus your time and energy on learning, as this planet-sign combination is all about expanding the higher mind. While world travel might have been difficult for you in your earlier years, it is also a vehicle for self-knowledge. Explore!

sagittarius jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

Saturn in Capricorn

If you were born with the planet of responsibility in the most ambitious of all signs, you’re the epitome of authority. This is the planet-sign combination CEOs are made of, so you’re most likely in a position of authority within your industry.

You’re dependable and capable, but can sometimes be a bit too rigid with the rules. This is merely because failure isn’t in your vocabulary. However, relinquishing control once in a while teaches you that making mistakes is a big part of your journey toward self-mastery.

capricorn jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

Saturn in Aquarius

If your Saturn is in Aquarius, you're a trendsetter, which is something you likely noticed at an early age. You may have grown up feeling like you didn't belong and only needed to know the rules so you could break them. You’re an intellectual, a deep thinker, and someone whose role might be bringing humanity into the future (no pressure!).

You might struggle with certain contradictions, like, for example, toggling between being introverted and extroverted, and even holding traditional and futuristic points of view simultaneously. A career in which you can build a vision for the future based on tried and trusted methods is a great way for you to harness your inherent gifts.

aquarius jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

Saturn in Pisces

If your Saturn sign is Pisces, you might struggle with building your life’s foundations the traditional way. Because the ringed planet influences work and career, making a living via a typical nine-to-five office job can feel limiting to you. Since you thrive on change, you do better when you leave yourself room to make adjustments in anything you do.

Your belief system is also in constant flux, which might sometimes make you feel like you're having an identity crisis and create the illusion of “feeling lost.” Learning to embrace, not escape, the pressures of reality is your true lesson in life, as is having strong boundaries.

pisces jupiter sign
Aya Kakeda

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