Do you know where the hidden handrail is on planes?

Has someone ever grabbed the top of your seat out of nowhere on a flight?

Chances are that you've probably done the same to someone else while trying to keep your footing when moving around on a plane.

See also: Is it possible to open a plane door mid-flight?

See also: How to stop yourself getting ill when you fly

Well, there's a life hack that could put an end to this irritating habit.

Nestled below the overhead bins, there's a curved hollowed-out space, according to Conde Nast Traveler.

The feature is on many planes that have been built in the last 15 years.

While you may have noticed flight attendants using it for balance, many passengers choose to ignore the handy innovation.

Simply tuck your fingers into the groove and more easily maintain your balance on your next trip to the bathroom and avoid irritating your fellow passengers too!