You Need to Know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Chief of Snacks Saikat Chakrabarti
It's beginning to look like newly sworn-in congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pandering to me, specifically. And I am, what? Grateful! Thanks to her Green New Deal, I learned so much about taxes from Twitter University this weekend. I'm pretty much a certified CPA now, if anyone needs any help with their 1040-EZ. Thanks to her viral dance video, the world had to momentarily shrug off its cynicism to appreciate the Glee-level exuberance of a bunch of college students. And now, I find out that she has a certified snack chief of staff! Saikat Chakrabarti: A Chief of Snacks!
AOC sort of looking fondly at Snack Saikat is literally me looking at the pictures of Snack Saikat that I spent hours scouring the internet to find. FOR THIRST JOURNALISM! Bring the Pulitzer to me directly.
So many things to discuss here. First of all: BEARD. We need to talk about it. It is lush and it is right and like a good socialist I encourage him to share it.
Second of all, that white button-down. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it's telling me the Chief of Snacks has something to get off his chest. As it were. Call an all-snacks meeting! Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Unlike some politicos (::cough:: Ted Cruz) Snack Saikat looks equally good with and without facial hair. A blessing on every American house! Here he is with a resplendent AOC in November. He's closing his eyes because he doesn't want to overwhelm the camera with beauty. It's like a reverse Bird Box. If he opens his eyes, life becomes too wonderful.
They should make this photo the poster for America. Why does America need a poster? I am unclear but it's not like we're killing it in the international PR department. Just print this out really big, like the ALLY billboard in A Star Is Born, and send it directly to the countries that are annoyed at us (all of them) and watch the mood change. Maybe write a note on the bottom that reads "We're not all megalomaniacs! We also have young, hopeful, smart politicians! AND SNACKS!" I've never felt so patriotic as I do right now. Oh, beautiful, for spacious pecs, for onyx waves of hair... Sorry, I've just received a court order telling me to stop.
I feel like I would be remiss in not also mentioning that Saikat is a Harvard grad who worked for Bernie Sanders and was a former Silicon Valley entrepreneur. And also? Very very fine. LET THE RECORD SHOW!
I am not really sure what a Chief of Staff does because the ones that Trump has usually only last about three to six Scaramooches before leaving in a huff, but I assume Snack Saikat will be in charge of listening to the public and getting their honest opinions about his hotness, which is why I have DM'd him my phone number. It's my civic duty! Call any time! For freedom!
Pictured above, AOC judging me after I've slid into Saikat Chakrabarti's DM's. I can't help it, AOC! I'm just deeply involved in politics. You can tax me at whatever rate you want, but you can never take away my thirst!
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