Knit a stylish short-sleeved jumper with our free knitting pattern

short sleeve jumper
Knit a stylish short-sleeved jumperMatt Monfredi Ltd - Hearst Owned

On the hunt for your next knitting project? Look no further than this gorgeous knitted short-sleeved jumper.

The contrasting sleeves and stand-up collar give this top a truly stylish feel – it's the perfect craft project to get you in the mood for spring.

Follow our step-by-step knitting pattern to make your own short-sleeved jumper to add to your wardrobe. It's the perfect project for crafters who know how to knit and would like to use their knitting techniques to create beautiful garments.

Happy knitting!

To fit chest: 81-86 (91-97, 102-107, 112 -117, 122-127)cm

Actual chest: 106 (116:126:136:146)cm

Full length: 56 (57:58:59:60)cm

A - Wisteria (102) - 3 (4:4:4:5) x 50g balls

B - Apple (9) - 2 (2:2:2:2) x 50g balls

C - Mustard (99) - 2 (2:2:2:2) x 50g balls

D - Sea Green (81) - 2 (2:3:3:3) x 50g balls

E - Vintage Pink (66) - 2 (2:2:2:2) x 50g balls


20 sts and 28 rows to 10cm square over slip stitch stitch using 4.5mm needles.


Beg beginning; cm centimetre; cont continue;; g gram; k knit; p purl; patt pattern; rem remaining; rep repeat; RS right side; st stitch; st st stocking stitch; tog together; WS wrong side; * repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed.

Short-sleeved jumper free knitting pattern

Stripe pattern

Row 1 (WS): Using B, knit.

Rows 2 - 6: Work 5 rows in st st, beginning with a K row.

Row 7 (WS): Using C, knit.

Rows 8 - 10: Work 3 rows in st st, beginning with a K row.

Rows 11 and 12 (WS): Using A, knit 2 rows.

Row 13 (WS): Using D, knit.

Rows 14 - 20: Work 7 rows in st st, beginning with a K row.

Row 21 (WS): Using E, knit.

Rows 22 - 24: Work 3 rows in st st, beginning with a K row.

Row 25 (WS): Using C, knit.

Rows 26 - 30: Work 5 rows in st st, beginning with a K row.

Rows 31 and 32 (WS): Using B, knit 2 rows.

Row 33 (WS): Using E, knit.

Rows 34 - 38: Work 5 rows in st st, beginning with a K row.

Row 39 (WS): Using D, knit.

Rows 40 - 42: Work 3 rows in st st, beginning with a K row.

Row 43 (WS): Using A, knit.

Rows 44 - 50: Work 7 rows in st st, beginning with a K row.

These 50 rows set pattern repeat.

Front and back

Using 4.5mm needles and A, cast on 106 (116:126:136:146) sts.

Knit 1 row.

Cont in stripe pattern (throughout), beginning with row 1 until work measures 51 (52:53:54:55)cm from cast on edge, ending after a WS row.

Shape neck

Next row (RS): Patt 38 (42:46:50:54), turn and leave the rem 68 (74:80:86:92) sts on a holder.

Shape left neck

Next row (WS): Patt2tog, patt to end. 37 (41:45:49:53) sts

Next row: Patt to last 2 sts, patt2tog. 36 (40:44:48:52) sts

Next row: Patt to end.

Rep last 2 rows twice more. 34 (38:42:46:50) sts

Work a further 2 rows straight in patt.

Shape shoulders

Next row (RS): Cast off 11 (12:14:14:16) sts, patt to end. 23 (26:28:32:34) sts

Next row: Patt to end.

Next row (RS): Cast off 11 (13:14:16:17) sts, patt to end. 12 (13:14:15:16:17) sts.

Next row: Patt to end.

Cast off rem 12 (13:14:15:16:17) sts.

Shape right neck

With RS facing, working on rem 68 (74:80:86:92) sts, slip centre 30 (32:34:36:38) sts onto a holder, patt to end. 38 (42:46:50:54) sts.

Next row (WS): Patt to last 2 sts, patt2tog. 37 (41:45:49:53) sts

Next row: Patt2tog, patt to end. 36 (40:44:48:52) sts

Next row: Patt to end.

Rep last 2 rows twice more. 34 (38:42:46:50) sts

Work a further 3 rows straight in patt.

Shape shoulders

Next row (WS): Cast off 11 (12:14:14:16) sts, patt to end. 23 (26:28:32:34) sts

Next row: Patt to end.

Next row (WS): Cast off 11 (13:14:16:17) sts, patt to end. 12 (13:14:15:16:17) sts.

Next row: Patt to end.

Cast off rem 12 (13:14:15:16:17) sts.


Using 4.5mm needles and B cast on 84 (92:100:108:116) sts.

Knit 1 row.

Change to A, knit 1 row.

Cont in st st, beginning with a knit row, until sleeve measures 14cm from cast on edge, ending after a WS row.

Cast off.


Join right shoulder seam.

Using 4.5mm needles and B, pick up and knit 12 sts evenly down neck, knit across 30 (32:34:36:38) sts left on holder, pick up and knit 12 sts evenly up to shoulder seam, pick up and knit 12 sts evenly down neck, knit across 30 (32:34:36:38) sts left on holder, pick up and knit 12 sts evenly up to shoulder seam. 108 (112:116:120:124) sts.

Break off B.

Row 1 (WS): Using A, knit 1 row.

Rows 2 - 12: Work 11 rows in st st beginning with a K row.

Rows 13 and 14: Using D, knit 2 rows.

Row 15: Using A, knit.

Rows 16 - 26: Work 11 rows in st st beginning with a K row.

Cast off.

Making up

Join left shoulder seam. Fold neckband in half to WS and whipstitch to pick up edge. Measure 22 (23:25:26:29)cm down from either side of shoulder seam on front and back and place a marker to mark armholes. Insert sleeves in position by folding sleeves in half and placing the fold to the shoulder seam, sew in position between markers. Join side and sleeve seams. Weave in ends.

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