How to knit a lovely linen lace top for summer

lacy top knitting pattern
Knit a lovely linen lace top for summer Amy Sussman/BBMA2020 - Hearst Owned

Looking for a knitting project for the summer? Look no further than this lovely lacy top free knitting pattern – the perfect addition to your summer wardrobe.

Whether you're heading to the beach or staying on English soil, this seasonal cover-up is the perfect partner for a jolly summer holiday. Follow our free knitting pattern below for your step-by-step instructions.

This knitting pattern is ideal for intermediate knitters – you need to know how to knit, but it's the perfect project to practise the stitches you've learned.

You can knit this top on straight needles or circular needles, whichever you prefer working with.

Check out our guide to working with circular knitting needles here.

Happy knitting!


To fit bust 82-92(97- 107:112-122)cm; Finished measurements: Bust 97(113:129)cm; Length to back neck 54(57:60)cm


6(7:7) 50g hanks of Erika Knight Studio Linen in Bone 71004401.

Pair of 4mm knitting needles or 4mm circular needle.

Two circular needles any size, 4mm or finer (optional see Note)


20 sts and 32 rows to 10cm square over patt using 4mm needles.


beg beginning; cm centimetres; cont continue; k knit; p purl; patt pattern; RS right side; skpo slip, k1, pass slipped st over; sk2togpo slip 1, k2tog, pass slipped st over; st(s) stitch(es); tog together; yf yarn forward.


  • When working on a large number of sts, it is sometimes easier to use a circular needle but work backwards and forwards in rows, not rounds.

  • As the yarn is quite slippery and the stitch pattern very open, you may find it easier to use wooden or bamboo needles rather than metal.

  • For the 3-needle shoulder cast off, we have suggested 2 circular needles which can be 4mm or finer.

BACK AND FRONT (both alike)

With 4mm needles, cast on 99(115:131) sts, loosely but evenly.

1st row (RS) K2, [yf, sk2togpo, yf, k1] to last st, k1.

2nd row P to end.

3rd row K1, k2tog, yf, k1, [yf, sk2togpo, yf, k1] to last 3 sts, yf, skpo, k1.

4th row P to end.

These 4 rows form the patt and are repeated throughout.

Work in patt until back/front measures 39(41:43)cm from cast on edge, ending with a wrong side row.

Shape for sleeves

Keeping patt correct throughout, cast on8stsatbegofnext4rows. 131(147:163) sts. Cont straight in patt until back/front measures 54(57:60)cm from cast on edge, ending with a wrong side row.

Next row Patt 35(41:47), cast off next 61(65:69) purlwise, patt to end.

Leave a long yarn end to work the shoulder cast off row, then slip the two groups of 35(41:47) sts onto the same circular needle.


Using the 2 circular needles, join each of the shoulder seams, hold the right sides of the front and back together and using the long yarn end, cast off the sts of one shoulder from the sleeve edge towards the neck, taking 1 st from each needle together, fasten off. Turn the work around, and cast off the other shoulder from the sleeve edge towards the neck, taking 1 st from each needle together, fasten off.

knitted lace top
Amy Sussman/BBMA2020 - Hearst Owned

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