Knit this cute bunny scarf for toddlers

kids animal scarf; bunny scarf
How to knit a cute toddler scarf Hearst

We're not sure who's going to be more excited about this scarf, the maker or the wearer! This cute toddler scarf knitting pattern will keep little ones warm and snug with winter with this adorable bunny scarf, designed for children aged two to five years.

Though it looks like it's shop bought it's in fact a very easy knitting pattern consisting of the main section and two smiley bunny faces that are knitted and stitched on separately.

This free toddler scarf knitting pattern includes a technique called Swiss darning. It's one of the stages that makes the pattern easier, especially for beginners as you don't need to worry about following a regular pattern however it's still worth having some kind of pattern to hand so that you know where to stitch.

The stitch is referred to as darning because it's often used to repair holes by stitching over the top or filling them in but in this knitted animal scarf project it's used for decorative purposes. Find out how to do it in our tutorial below.

This toddler scarf will be adored by boys and girls alike. They'll love to get wrapped up by their new cuddly best friend, making it much easier to get ready before you're popping out for winter walks.

Here's how to make it...

Size - one size to fit two to five years.



22 sts and 33 rows over scarf patt using 4mm needles, and 24 sts and 32rows over st-st using 3.75mm needles, both to 10cm square.


  • beg beginning

  • cm centimetres

  • st(s) stitch(es)

  • st-st stocking stitch

  • k knit

  • kfb knit into front and back of next st

  • p purl

  • patt pattern

  • pfb purl into front and back of next st

  • rep repeat

  • RS right side

  • ssk [slip 1 knitwise] twice, insert tip of left hand needlefrom left to right through the fronts of both slipped sts and work 2 tog

  • tbl through back loop

  • tog together

  • WS wrong side

When casting off the scarf, make sure your leave sufficient yarn to work the inner ears and face of the bunny.

To make the scarf

With 4mm needles and A, cast on 29 sts.

1st row (RS) K1, [p1, k1] to end.

2nd row P to end. These 2 rows form the broken rib and are repeated throughout. Work in patt until scarf measures approximately 97cm, ending with a RS row (see Note). Cast off loosely but evenly knitwise on WS.

Press lightly on the wrong side, under a damp cloth.

bunny face knitting template

How to make the bunny face (make 2)

With 3.75mm needles and B, cast on 11 sts.

1st row K to end. Work in st-st and shape as follows:

2nd row Cast on 3 sts, p to end. 14 sts.

3rd row Cast on 3 sts, k to last st, kfb. 18 sts.

4th row Pfb, p to last st, pfb. 20 sts.

5th row Kfb, k to last st, kfb. 22 sts. Rep these 2 rows once more. 26 sts.

8th row P to last st, pfb . 27 sts. K 1 row. 10th row Pfb, p to last st, pfb. 29 sts. K 1 row.

12th row Pfb, p to last st, pfb. 31 sts. Beg with a k row, work 14 rows.

27th row Ssk, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. 29 sts. P 1 row. Rep the last 2 rows twice more. 25 sts. 33rd row Kfb, k to last st, kfb. 27 sts. P 1 row.

Shape for ears

First ear

35th row K11, turn and cont on these sts only for fi rst ear, leave rem sts on a spare needle. P 1 row.

37th row Kfb, k to last 2 sts, k2tog. 11 sts. Work 4 rows in st-st.

42nd row P2tog, p to end. 10 sts. K 1 row. P 1 row.

45th row K to last 2 sts, k2tog. 9 sts.

46th row P to last 2 sts, p2tog tbl. 8 sts. K 1 row. 48th row P2tog, p to end. 7 sts. 49th row K to last 2 sts, k2tog. 6 sts. 50th row P2tog, p2, p2tog tbl. 4 sts. Cast off.

Second ear

With RS facing, rejoin yarn to sts on spare needle, cast off 5 sts, k to end. 11sts. P 1 row.

37th row Ssk, k to last 2 sts, kfb. 11 sts. Work 4 rows in st-st. 42nd row P to last 2 sts, p2tog tbl. 10 sts. K 1 row. P 1 row.

45th row Ssk, k to end. 9 sts.

46th row P2tog, p to end. 8 sts.

47th row K to end. 8 sts.

48th row P to last 2 sts, p2tog tbl. 7 sts.

49th row Ssk, k to end. 6 sts.

50th row P2tog, p2, p2tog tbl. 4 sts. Cast off.

How to do Swiss darning

This free toddler scarf knitting pattern includes a technique called Swiss darning. This is a type of embroidery that is applied on top of your knitting. It's often called a duplicate stitch because it involves stitching over existing knitted stitches when you want to add details - instead of knitting them, you stitch them on.

To do a Swiss darn you need to thread up a darning needle with yarn in a colour that contrasts with your knitting.

STEP 1: Start by coming in at the back of your knitting and leave a tail as this will be woven in at the end.

STEP 2: Come up from the back to the front and create your first stitch. Continue to do this to create your design.

STEP 3: Thread your needle through the back and weave both ends on.

To finish

Using the chart and A, Swiss darn the inner ears and nose, work the eyes and mouth using straight stitch.

Press all pieces under a damp cloth. Join the two head pieces together taking one stitch from each piece into the seam.

If you are working with the RS together, leave a gap in the seam, turn through then close the gap. Position the head on the RS towards the cast on end of the scarf and stitch in place.

With B, make a 5cm diameter pompom. Pleat or lightly gather the cast off edge of the scarf, stitch the pleats or gathers in place and attach a handmade pompom. See how to make one in our video tutorial.

how to knit kids bunny scarf

Happy knitting!

This pattern was taken for Prima magazine.

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