Knit a chic vest with our free pattern

knitted vest
How to knit a chic vest with our free patternMatt Monfredi Ltd - Hearst Owned

Using your knitting skills to create a beautiful new piece for your wardrobe is so much fun.

And look no further for your next craft project – this fun slip stitch vest top with contrast ribs is just perfect for giving your wardrobe that spring feeling.

It's the perfect garment to slip on when you want to keep cosy during April showers or while the evenings are cooler.

Follow our step-by-step knitting pattern to create your own chic striped vest. This pattern is perfect for crafters who know how to knit the basic knitting stitches and are looking to use their skills to create beautiful garments.

And if you're inspired by this vest, check out our favourite crochet vests for more yarn craft inspiration.

Happy knitting!

To fit chest: 81-86 (91-97, 102-107, 112 -117, 122-127)cm

Actual chest: 100 (108:121:129:142)cm

Full length: 56 (58:60:62:64)cm

What you need


19 sts and 42 rows to 10cm square over slip stitch stitch using 5mm needles.


Check out our knitting abbreviations glossary to brush up on your knowledge.

Beg beginning; cm centimetre; cont continue; dec decrease; foll follow; g gram; k knit; p purl; patt pattern; rem remaining; rep repeat; RS right side; sl1p slip 1 stitch purlwise; ssk slip 2 stitches knit-wise, knit these 2 stitches together through back loops; single left-leaning decrease; st(s) stitch(es); st st stocking stitch; tog together; tbl through back loop; WS wrong side; yb yarn back; yf yarn front;

* repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed; [ ] work instructions within brackets as many times as directed or for a specific size.

Free vest knitting pattern

Slip stitch pattern

Row 1 (RS): Using B, K3, *sl1p, k3; rep to end.

Row 2 (WS): K3, *yf, sl1p, yb, k3; rep to end.

Row 3: Using A, K1, *sl1p, k3; rep to last 2 Sts, sl1p, k1.

Row 4: K1, *yf, sl1p, yb, k3; rep to last 2 Sts, yf, sl1p, yb, k1.

These 4 rows set part.


Using 4.5mm needles and A, cast on 109 (117:131:139:153) sts.

Rib row 1 (RS): K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.

Rib row 2 (WS): P1, *k1, p1; rep from * to end.

These 2 rows set rib, cont in rib until work measures 5cm from cast on edge, ending with RS fac-ing for next row.

Dec row (RS): K1(6:5:9:8), k2tog, [k6, k2tog] 13 (13:15:15:17) times, k1 (5:4:8:7).

95 (103:115:123:135) sts.

Next row (WS): Knit.

Change to 5mm needles and work in slip stitch pattern (throughout) until back measures 34cm from cast on edge, ending after a WS row.

Shape armholes

Cast off 4(4:6:6:8) sts at the beg of next 2 rows. 87 (95:103:111:119) sts.

Dec row (RS): Ssk, patt to last st, k2tog. 85 (93:101:109:117) sts.

Rep last row a further 9 (10:11:12:13) times. 67 (73:79:85:91) sts.***

Work a further 76 (83:90:97:106) rows straight.

Shape shoulders

Cast of 8 (9:10:11:12) sts at the beg of next 4 rows. 35 (37:39:41:43) sts.

Slip rem sts onto a holder.


Work as for Back to ***

Work 0 (1:0:1:0:0) row straight.

Next row (RS): Patt 33 (36:39:42:45), turn and leave the rem 34 (37:40:43:46) sts on a holder.

Next row (WS): Patt2tog, patt to end. 32 (35:38:41:44) sts.

Work 3 rows straight in patt.

Rep last 4 rows 14 (14:13:13:11) times more. 18 (21:25:28:33) sts.

Next row (WS): Patt2tog, patt to end. 17 (20:24:27:32) sts.

Work 5 rows straight in patt.

Rep last 6 rows 1 (2:4:5:8) time(s) more. 16 (18:20:22:24) sts.

Work 3 rows straight in patt.

Next row (RS): Cast off 8 (9:10:11:12) Sts, patt to end. 8 (9:10:11:12) Sts

Patt 1 row.

Cast off.

With RS facing, working on rem 34 (37:40:43:46) sts, slip centre stitch onto a safety pin, patt to end.

Next row (WS): Patt to last 2 Sts, p2tog tbl. 32 (35:38:41:44) sts.

Work 3 rows straight in patt.

Rep last 4 rows 14 (14:13:13:11) times more. 18 (21:25:28:33) sts.

Next row (WS): Patt to last 2 sts, p2tog tbl.

Work 5 rows straight in patt.

Rep last 6 rows 1 (2:4:5:8) time(s) more. 16 (18:20:22:24) sts

Work 4 rows straight in patt.

Next row (RS): Cast off (9:10:11:12) sts, patt to end. 8 (9:10:11:12) Sts

Patt 1 row.

Cast off.


Join right shoulder seam.

Using 4.5mm needles and A, pick up and knit 41 (45:49:51:57) sts evenly down left side of neck, knit across 1 st left on safety pin, pm on this st, pick up and knit 40 (44:48:50:56) sts evenly up right side of neck, knit across 35 (37:39:41:43) sts left on holder for back neck. 117 (127:137:143:157)sts.

Row 1 (WS): P1, *k1, p1; rep from * to end.

Row 2 (RS): [K1, P1] to 2 sts before marked st, ssk, k1, k2tog, [p1, k1] to end.

Row 3 (WS): [P1, k1] to 1 st before marked st, p3, [k1, p1] to end.

Row 4 (RS): [K1, P1] to 2 sts before marked st, ssk, k1, k2tog, [p1, k1] to end.

Rep rows 1 - 2 once more.

Cast off in rib.

Armhole edging (both alike)

Join left shoulder and neckband seam.

With RS facing, using 4.5mm needles and A, Pick up and knit 48 (53:57:62:66) sts evenly up to shoulder seam, pick up and knit 47 (52:56:61:65) sts evenly down. 95 105:113:123:131) sts.

Cont in 1x1 rib as set on back, beginning with row 1, for 6 rows.

Cast off in rib.

Making up

Join side and armhole border seams. Weave in ends. Pin your garment out to the size stated in the pattern, cover with a damp cloth and leave to dry.

Have you knitted a vest? Share your creations with us by tagging @primamag in your photos on Instagram!

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