What King Charles is wearing for the coronation ceremony

king charles coronation
King Charles' robes for the coronation ceremonyWPA Pool - Getty Images

The nation has been getting ready to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III – and now we have many details of the ceremony, including Charles' robes, crown and other regalia he will wear in Westminster Abbey on 6 May.

So many of the items Charles will wear and carry have been used in coronation ceremonies of kings and queens before him, including his mother Queen Elizabeth II and grandfather King George VI.

Each of the items is carefully chosen to symbolise an important part of the monarch's reign and power. The craftsmanship of each garment and accessory is intricate – these are beautifully designed pieces steeped in history.

What will Charles wear?

The vestments Charles will wear were also used during the coronation ceremonies of King George IV in 1821, King George V in 1911, King George VI in 1937 and Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.

Charles has arrived at Westminster Abbey wearing a Robe of State in red velvet with an ermine cape and long red velvet train. Under it, Charles is wearing a cream silk undershirt and naval trousers.

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King Charles and Queen Camilla in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach on the way to Westminster AbbeyWPA Pool - Getty Images

According to the Royal Family website, the Robe of State will be removed for the Anointing. Each monarch has their own Robe of State, usually a cape made from ermine and red velvet train embroidered with gold.

Charles will be anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. The Anointing Screen shields Charles as he is anointed with Holy Water.

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The Supertunica (left) and Imperial Mantle (right) will both be worn by Charles during the coronation ceremonyPool - Getty Images

After the Anointing, Charles will put on the Colobium Sindonis, which is Latin for shroud tunic. It represents the priest's vestment, again symbolising the divine nature of monarchy. Charles will also wear a thin band of gold silk across his shoulders, called the Coronation Stole – like the Colobium Sindonis, this is intended to mirror the vestments worn by clergymen.

Charles will wear a long gold-sleeved robe for the crowning called the Supertunica. It was made for Charles' great-grandfather George V in 1911 and was also worn by George VI and Elizabeth II.

It weighs 2kg and is made from cloths of gold, in which silk thread are wrapped in thin pieces of gold or silver. It is embroidered with flowers.

The Supertunica weighs 2kg and is made from cloths of goldPool - Getty Images

Over the top, Charles will wear the Imperial Mantle or Royal Robe, which was originally made for George IV in 1821, making it the oldest vestment in the ceremony. The robe fastens across the chest with an eagle clasp, and its priestly style symbolises the divine nature of kingship. Like the Supertunica, it is also made of cloths of gold.

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The eagle clasp on the Imperial MantlePool - Getty Images

At the end of the ceremony, Charles will leave Westminster Abbey in the purple Robe of Estate.

What crowns will Charles and Camilla wear?

Charles will be crowned with St Edward's Crown, which was originally made for King Charles II in 1661. According to the Royal Collection Trust, it is made from a solid gold frame set with rubies, amethysts, sapphires, garnet, topazes and tourmalines. The Black Prince's Ruby at the front of the crown is said to have belonged to Edward the Black Prince, the son of Edward III. Under the gold frame sits a purple velvet cap and an ermine band.

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General Sir Gordon Messenger, the Governor of HM Tower of London, carries the St Edward’s Crown into Westminster AbbeyWPA Pool - Getty Images

Charles will then exchange it for the Imperial Crown at the end of the ceremony – this crown was made for Charles' grandfather George VI in 1937. It is adorned with 2868 diamonds, 11 emeralds, 17 sapphires and 269 pearls. The Imperial Crown is also worn at state openings of Parliament.

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Camilla will wear Queen Mary’s Crown, featuring 2,200 diamondsUniversal History Archive - Getty Images

Camilla will be crowned with Queen Mary's Crown, making this coronation the first that an existing crown has been used for the coronation of the Consort. It was originally worn by Queen Mary at the coronation of George V in 1911. It is set with 2,200 diamonds and has been modified to include the Cullinan III, IV and V diamonds which were part of Queen Elizabeth II’s personal jewellery collection and part of the Cullinan diamond, the largest diamond ever found. The Koh-i-Noor diamond has been removed from the crown, due to controversy surrounding its origins.

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St Edward’s Crown will be worn by Charles at the beginning of the ceremonyWPA Pool - Getty Images

What accessories will Charles carry?

Charles will be carrying regalia during the ceremony and procession, which are symbols of royalty, including the crown, sceptres and orb.

Charles will carry two maces and the Sword of State as symbols of authority. Three more swords will be used in the coronation procession: the Sword of Temporal Justice to signify Charles's role as Head of the Armed Forces; the Sword of Spiritual Justice to symbolise Charles as Defender of the Faith; and the Sword of Mercy or Curtana to show Charles' mercy. He wears the swords first then offers them in service to God.

Charles will also be presented with the Sword of Offering, which symbolises the monarch accepting his knightly duties. It is decorated with diamonds, rubies and emeralds. After the sword is presented to Charles, he places it on the altar.

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The Sword of Offering is brought into Westminster Abbey to be presented to King CharlesGareth Cattermole - Getty Images

The orb is a symbol of Charles' power and symbolises the Christian world. It is divided into three sections, separated by jewels, which represent the three continents known to the medieval world.

Two sceptres will be used in the ceremony: the Sovereign's Spectre with Cross symbolises good governance, and the Sovereign's Spectre with Dove represent's Charles' religious role as the head of the Church of England.

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The glove and belt which will be re-worn by Charles during the ceremonyPool - Getty Images

The king will also reuse a glove and sword belt, rather than have a new one made, in a bid to be more sustainable. He will reuse the belt and glove worn by George VI.

According to the coronation Order of Service, other items which will be presented to the King include the Spurs and Armills, which would have been worn by a medieval knight. Charles will also be offered a ring as a symbol of the monarch's marriage to his people.

If you'd like more coronation inspiration, don't miss our free pattern to knit your own King Charles and our step-by-step videos to make your own street party decorations, including crown chair backers and Beefeater place settings.

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