King Charles III's Coronation: 27 fun quiz questions and answers

king coronation quiz 2023
The ultimate quiz for King's Coronation Sarah Coleman - Hearst Owned

Looking to brush up on your royal knowledge ahead of King Charles III's Coronation? To celebrate the ceremony on Saturday 6th May, here are some fun royal Coronation quiz questions and answers.

From fun facts about Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation to coronation rituals steeped in tradition, see how many you can get right...

King Charles III's Coronation: 27 quiz questions

1. When was Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation?

2. Who designed Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation dress?

3. How many parts does a coronation service fall into?

4. What did Prince Charles receive from Queen Elizabeth II when she was crowned?

5. How many Coronations have been held at Westminster Abbey?

6. Who will conduct King Charles' Coronation?

7. How many guests attended Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation?

king coronation quiz 2023
Hearst Owned

8. How many nations and territories were officially represented at Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation service?

9. What is the name of the crown placed on the head of Queen Elizabeth II during her Coronation service?

10. What is Prince William expected to do at King Charles III's Coronation?

11. How many people watched Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation on TV in the UK?

12. How many journalists lined Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation route?

13. What was the first documented coronation at Westminster Abbey?

14. Which two monarchs did not have coronations?

king coronation quiz 2023
Hearst Owned

15. What happens during the 'anointing' stage at a coronation?

16. Who was the first King of England?

17. When was coronation chicken invented?

18. How long did Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation last?

19. The King will wear two royal robes on the Coronation. Which monarch previously wore them?

20. Where will the Coronation concert take place?

21. How old was King Charles when he became the Prince of Wales?

22. King Charles once wrote a children's book. What was it called?

23. The Queen Consort adopted two rescue Jack Russell terriers. What are they called?

24. What crown will the Queen Consort wear at the Coronation?

25. Who designed the King's Coronation Emblem?

26. When did King Charles succeed the throne?

27. What two TV soaps did King Charles once appear in?

King Charles III's Coronation: quiz answers

1. 2nd June 1953

2. British fashion designer Norman Hartnell

3. The coronation falls into six parts: the recognition, the oath, the anointing, the investiture (which includes the crowning), the enthronement and the homage

4. A special hand-painted invitation to the Coronation

5. There have been 39 coronations in Westminster Abbey since 1066

6. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby

7. A total of 8,251 guests attended The Queen's Coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey

8. 129 nations and territories were officially represented at the Coronation service

9. The St. Edward's Crown

10. Prince William is expected to kneel before the King and kiss him on his right cheek as a sign of respect

11. 27 million people in the UK (out of the 36 million population) watched the ceremony on television

12. There were more than 2,000 journalists from 92 nations on the Coronation route

13. The first documented coronation at Westminster was that of William the Conqueror on 25th December 1066

king coronation quiz 2023
Hearst Owned

14. According to Westminster Abbey, the two monarchs who did not have any coronation were Edward V (the boy king), who was presumed murdered in the Tower of London before he could be crowned, and Edward VIII who abdicated 11 months after succeeding his father

15. Seated in the Coronation Chair, the monarch was anointed with oil

16. The first king of all of England was Athelstan (895-939 AD)

17. Coronation chicken was created by Le Cordon Bleu London to be served at the Coronation Luncheon in 1953

18. The Queen's Coronation service began at 11.15am and lasted almost three hours

19. They were worn by Queen Elizabeth II

20. Windsor Castle

21. Nine

22. The Old Man of Lochnagar

23. Beth and Bluebell

24. Queen Mary's Crown

25. Sir Jony Ive, who was formerly Chief Design Officer of Apple, Inc.

26. 8th September 2022, upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II

27. Coronation Street in 2000 and Eastenders in 2022

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