Kate Middleton breaks royal tradition with note to fans after health news

Kensington Palace has issued thank you cards to kind-hearted members of the public who sent their well wishes to Kate Middleton as she undergoes chemotherapy.

The Princess of Wales, 42, revealed in a heartfelt video message at the end of March that she is in the early stages of treatment following a cancer diagnosis.

In the video, the future Queen described the past few months as 'incredibly tough' for her family but reassured everyone that she was 'well and getting stronger every day'.

Since the public became aware of Kate's health battle, other working royals have been handed cards and notes from well-wishers to pass on to her. Royal fans have also sent their messages directly to the Palace.

Kensington Palace thanked royal fans for their well-wishes
Kensington Palace thanked royal fans for their well-wishes -Credit:X

One woman was delighted to receive a letter from the Palace on Saturday, April 6, after she had sent a card to Kate, wishing her well upon hearing about her abdominal surgery in January.

The brief note, printed on official Palace stationery, read: "Thank you for your kind well wishes to Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales.

"Your thoughtful gesture is very much appreciated."

Kate Middleton announced last month that she was receiving preventative chemotherapy treatment for cancer
Kate Middleton announced last month that she was receiving preventative chemotherapy treatment for cancer -Credit:BBC Studios

The Palace typically sends out cards in response to correspondence from Royal fans during special occasions like birthdays and Christmas.

Interestingly, the postcard was left blank, which is unusual as letters from the Royal Family usually include a picture.

Allex Marie took to X, previously known as Twitter, to share her joy at receiving the note, adding that she would 'treasure this my entire life.'

She penned: "Back in January when we were informed our beautiful Princess of Wales had undergone surgery I sent her a card with our (my family and I) sincerest best wishes for healing and of course an abundance of love.

"Today I received this beautiful acknowledgement and I can honestly say I shall treasure this my entire life.

"The envelope has Kensington Palace on the back lol hubby thought he was going to have to get his suit out for a garden party (silly him) but he is just as blown away as I am to received this beautiful, and much treasured card.

Kate's cancer was discovered after she underwent abdominal surgery in January
Kate's cancer was discovered after she underwent abdominal surgery in January -Credit:Getty

"Continued prayers and healing to our beautiful Princess of Wales."

It comes after leading royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith praised the Princess' courage in making her diagnosis public and points out that she would have had to overcome her "inherently shy" nature in order to make the announcement.

She told PEOPLE that Kate was "sincere, dignified, poised, and she was forthright" in her delivery, but the announcement likely wasn't easy. "She is inherently shy, and for her to do that took a lot."

While the health update was extremely personal, Princess Kate acknowledged the many others who are also facing cancer, echoing something the late Queen Elizabeth may have done.

"When she ended with 'You are not alone,' it rang a bell with something that Queen Elizabeth would have said," Bedell Smith explains. "It was very similar to what Queen Elizabeth said during COVID when she said, 'We are all in this together.'"

"She was mindful there are very few people who read about that or watched that who doesn’t know someone who has cancer. She was mindful of that," the journalist and biographer continues. "It was a way of reassuring people not only about her condition but helping them have courage."