My Jaw Is Actually Still Completely On The Floor After Seeing All These Fascinating Pictures For The Very First Time Last Week

1.This tiny little creature the size of a penny is one of the deadliest creatures on Earth:

Hand holding a small, clear vial containing a tiny crab against a blurred background

2.This is what velcro looks like under an electron microscope:

Velcro under a microscope

Would ya look at that.

Clouds Hill Imaging Ltd. / Getty Images

3.This is what the inside of a 1970s spacesuit looked like:

Open space suit showing interior components and mechanisms

4.This is a pepperbox pistol, a type of firearm that could have as many as 24 barrels:

A pepperbox pistol

Looney Toons lookin' pistol.

u/sweetdick / Via

5.Speaking of strange guns, Saddam Hussein was the owner of a gold-plated AK-47:

A gold-plated AK-47 rifle displayed in a glass case with photos and cards beneath it

Looks like something out of one of them Call Of Duties.

u/lastwarfare753 / Via

6.This is what a typical day of air travel over Europe looks like:

Map showing dense air traffic over Europe with colorful plane icons indicating flight paths and altitudes

7.This is what a "9 out of 10 difficulty level" puzzle looks like:

A coffee table with a partially completed complex line-drawing puzzle. Person wearing patterned leggings is visible in the foreground

My head hurts just thinking about it.

u/PacquiaoFreeHousing / Via

8.This is what a Hoover Dam spillway tunnel looks like. Check out the tiny, tiny walkway on top:

The Hoover Dam

9.This is what a movie theater undergoing some heavy-duty seat cleaning looks like:

Empty movie theater with rows of recliner seats and a large screen at the front

10.A group of Japanese samurai visited the Great Sphinx of Giza in 1864:

Group of people in front of the Great Sphinx of Giza, with part of a pyramid visible in the background. Early 20th-century photo

11.This is what a suit of elephant armor looked like:

A suit of elephant armor

12.This is Marie Curie riding in her mobile X-ray van, designed to treat wounded soldiers on the go during World War I:

Historical photo of a person seated inside an early 20th century vehicle, possibly a medical transport

Imagine rolling up to the function in the x-ray van.

Print Collector / Print Collector/Getty Images

13.This is Dr. Rufus Weaver and "Harriet," the completely dissected nervous system of a woman:

A man in formal attire points to anatomical displays in a museum setting

I already know that room is haunted.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

14.This is what Brian Shaw, four-time winner of the World's Strongest Man competition, looks like next to a couple of 200-pound bodybuilders:

Brian Shaw posing with bodybuilders

15.Fans... fans can be very, very big:

View of a large ceiling fan in a gym with a high ceiling and exercise equipment in the background

16.This is how many hearing aid batteries a nursing home goes through in a month:

Jars filled with small batteries; one labeled "Hearing Aid Batteries ONLY."

Forbidden Skittles.

u/787dreamliner / Via

17.Here are some of the rejected designs for the Eiffel Tower:

A collection of vintage architectural designs for skyscrapers and towers, each labeled with a design number or architect's name

18.Infrared cameras can spot different layers of paint:

Before and after images of a kitchen wall. Top shows patchy, unpainted surface; bottom shows smooth, blue-painted wall near a stove

19.The Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden is home to an almost completely preserved 17th-century warship:

A giant ship

20.This is what the skeleton of a pufferfish looks like:

A hand holding a puffer fish skeleton, showcasing its intricate spines and hollow eye sockets with a beach in the background

RIP, brother.

u/paintwithbabeross / Via

21.This is Louise Joy Brown, the first baby ever born after IVF, or in vitro fertilisation:

Newborn baby crying, wrapped in a soft blanket, with eyes closed and mouth open

Here's what Louise looks like today:

Person sitting in a modern lounge area, wearing a patterned top and black pants, smiling at the camera

Shout out Louise!

Europa Press News / Europa Press via Getty Images

22.Square fire extinguishers exist:

Fire extinguisher in a wall cabinet with inspection tags attached

They're...they're beautiful.

u/ransacked / Via

23.And, finally, if you win a car on The Price Is Right you get a special little license plate cover:

License plate reads "THX DREW" with text above and below saying "I won this car" and "on the Price is Right."