Junior and Princess Andre in first photoshoot together - double dating, strict dad Peter and their baby sister’s first words

Junior and Princess Andre in first photoshoot together - double dating, strict dad Peter and their baby sister’s first words

Princess Andre is teasing her brother, Junior. “I think you’ve been reincarnated,” she says as they discuss what an ‘old soul’ he is. And she’s not wrong. As we settle down for a chat following their exclusive photoshoot, it’s clear Junior has a very mature head on his 18-year-old shoulders, informing us that even his famous dad, Peter, sometimes comes to him for life advice.

Meanwhile, Princess, two years younger at 16 (she’ll be 17 on 29 June and Junior will turn 19 on 13 June), is exactly what you’d expect a teenage girl to be: sweet, funny and ready to rib her brother when necessary. At several points throughout the chat, she yawns theatrically as Junior talks about their newborn sister Arabella, Pete’s third baby with wife Emily; his new girlfriend (reportedly Jasmine Orr); and the pitfalls of social media.

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
The fun-loving siblings had a ball with OK! on their first ever joint photoshoot -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

And when Princess chats about her favourite hair products, Junior’s quick to ask if we want to know his scalp routine, too. The pair, whose mum is Katie Price, have joined forces for their first exclusive shoot and interview, as they usher in adulthood and start making waves in their respective careers. Junior’s focus is on music, acting and performing, while Princess, who is also in a relationship, is causing a stir as a beauty and fashion influencer.

And their rapport on set is a joy to see. They’re playful, fun and have a lot of love for each other. Even though Princess says he’s “overprotective”, it’s clear Junior takes his role as big brother seriously. The duo has three siblings from Katie’s side – Harvey, 22, Jett, 10, and nine-year-old Bunny; and three on Pete’s – Millie, 10, Theo, seven, and new baby Arabella, who arrived on 2 April. Here, they discuss sibling love, life at home and why double dating is a sign of growing up…

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
The siblings have joined forces to chat to OK! as they usher in adulthood -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

Hi, guys! It’s clear you two are close. Has that always been the case?

Princess: As we’ve got older, we’re closer than ever. We’re both more mature, too, so it’s easier to get along and understand each other. Before, we’d argue about silly things.

Junior: But it’s normal for siblings to fight. Now that we’ve grown up, we’re actually getting on more and more.

Are you quite protective of your sister, Junior?

Junior: I’m her big brother so, yeah, I am. Not overly protective, but I do look out for her.

Princess: He is overprotective! But I won’t complain. It’s a brother’s instinct.

Give us an example of when he’s been overprotective…

Junior: I will. If she was 14 and she said she had a boyfriend, I would be like ‘What? You’re not allowed a boyfriend!’ But obviously as I get older, I’ve become more chilled out. I’m there for her.

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
Princess says her big bro is 'overprotective' but she 'won't complain' -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

And you have a new little sister now! What’s it like having a newborn in the house?

Princess: Oh, gosh, I love it. You get so used to peace and quiet – but now there’s a baby in the house, it’s always occupied and it’s always busy and buzzing.

Junior: It’s so exciting. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not changing any nappies or anything.

Princess: I’ve helped with stuff like that, but if she did a poo, I’d rather Dad or Emily did it! But I do love helping out.

What about the sleepless nights? Does it affect you guys?

Junior: It’s definitely hard for Dad and Emily, but we’re not the parents so we don’t have that responsibility on us. We do help out during the day, but we’ve got bedrooms at the top of the house, so we don’t hear the baby crying in the night.

Princess: She’s so cute though. When you go downstairs in the morning and you see her little face, it’s just adorable.

Junior: And she’s growing so fast, she’s going to start mumbling words soon.

Princess: She’s going to say my name first for sure. My nickname, Bista, is easier to say than ‘Junior.’

Junior: I reckon she’ll say ‘Dada’ first. She’s a pretty calm baby.

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
Princess says her new baby sister is just 'adorable' -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

Is it harder to get one-on-one time with your dad now Arabella’s here?

Princess: We’ve been recently playing a card game called Monopoly Deal, things like that aren’t hard to do. He can hold the baby and play that with us. It’s hard for a parent to give all the kids the same attention, but I do think he manages to do it quite well.

Junior: The baby can’t do anything by herself, so Dad and Emily’s attention has to be on her a lot, but he still manages to cook dinner for us every single night. He’s the best dad.

You say that, but surely he’s been strict with you?

Junior: There are always going to be times, growing up, when children misbehave, and it’s important to discipline kids when they’re like that. Dad’s always been fair to me, and seeing the way he’s been, it sets me up for fatherhood – which I’m not wishing on myself any time soon, by the way! Especially after seeing the new baby in the house, it’s a lot. If we didn’t listen to him, we’d get in trouble, but if we listen and respect him, he’s cool. And I think we’ve proven to him that he can trust us.

Princess: When we were younger, he was more strict. As you get older and you have more freedom, it changes. He’s strict in the sense that he has house rules, but he’s fair.

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
Peter was stricter with Princess and Junior - but they have more freedom, now they're older -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

What are the house rules?

Junior: For Millie and Theo, it’s bedtime at 8pm and not too much screen time.

Princess: And you’re not allowed phones in your room until you’re 14.

Junior: Yeah, and when we were younger we couldn’t have too much chocolate, or Coca Cola, stuff like that. We have to clean up after ourselves, do the dishwasher and keep on top of our rooms. It gets us ready for when we’re older and living in our own places.

Princess: But you’re so messy!

Junior: Stop calling me out (laughs). I don’t live in mess!

Princess, are you tidier?

Junior: No chance.

Princess: Oh, my gosh, Junior. I keep on top of my room…

Junior: What about your bathroom, though? You have 10 different towels for your hair and all these gadgets and products everywhere. I’ve only got one little product in my bathroom.

Princess: But that’s just what girls do! I love having the option of what to smell like. Do I want to smell like coconut or vanilla today?

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
Junior laughs as he teases Princess on our shoot about being 'messy' -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

Is that very important to you then, Princess? How you present yourself?

Princess: 100%. I love feeling clean and hygienic. I want people to walk past me and think, ‘Ooh, she smells nice.’ I love beauty and fashion and I like to feel good.

Are you conscious of looking your best on social media?

Princess: For me, it’s important to show myself without make-up, with make-up, in all ways…

(Junior interrupts) Junior: Can I just say you are beautiful without make-up, natural.

Princess: Thank you.

Junior: I know you want to look good but I don’t think you need make-up to do that. You know you’re naturally beautiful.

Princess: I think it’s so important to be happy with yourself. In years to come you’ll look back and think, ‘Why did I not love that!?’

Junior: I agree with that. I don’t think you should be allowed to use social media if you’re too young. There are age restrictions on certain apps and that’s a good thing.

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
Junior believes his sister looks beautiful without make-up -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

But a lot of what you do with your music and, Princess, with your influencing career, is based on social media. That’s where your fans are…

Junior: Fortunately, and unfortunately, or what I do – music and performing, social media is important. But it can be very overwhelming. Just the sheer amount of content you have to put up, and everyone has an opinion. Sometimes it can feel very natural doing it and sometimes it doesn’t.

Your dad and Emily do a lot of fun skits on their socials. Is that cringey for you? Or do you love it?

Princess: I love it. I think it shows what they’re actually like.

Junior: That’s definitely the way they are. It shows the vibe we have as a family. Dad’s naturally funny, he’ll come up with dad jokes on the spot and it’s nice he can express himself on social media. We have a lot of fun.

Speaking of fun, it sounds like you’re very happy with your girlfriend?

Junior: Life is great. Things are going well. It’s nice when you build close relationships.

What do your family think of her?

Junior: If any of us bring someone home who is important to us, then the family is supportive. People can have different opinions but at the end of the day, if I’m happy, my family is happy.

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
Princess loves her dad and Emily's skits on social, saying, 'it's what they're really like' -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

And Princess, how are things with your boyfriend?

Princess: I’m very happy, thank you, it’s going really well. My parents like him, which makes me happy so all is good.

Have you met Junior’s girlfriend?

Princess: I have and she’s really nice.

And likewise, Junior, are you happy with Princess’s choice of partner?

Junior: Yeah, if she’s happy, that’s so important. It’s a beautiful thing and it’s all part of growing up, getting into relationships and stuff. That’s why I love having brothers and sisters, we all get to experience this sort of thing together.

Princess: It’s nice that we all get along. It makes me happy that everything’s good.

Do you ever double date with your other halves?

Princess: Yeah, we have gone out together.

Junior: I think it’s very important that we do that, actually. It’s fun and it’s part of growing up. We couldn’t do stuff like this years ago. But I think when your brothers and sisters have partners, it’s nice to get to know them. Double dates are fun.

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
Princess reveals that she and Junior have gone on 'double dates' before with their other halves -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

Your dad used to say he wanted you to be a nun, Princess. We’re guessing that’s not going to happen?

Princess: No, but it’s always been a joke that I’m the little girl and I can’t have a boyfriend. I think my dad used to feel funny about it, because I’m his first daughter, but as you grow older it’s actually cute. He was never serious about me being a nun!

Junior: As a dad, it’s natural to be protective over your daughters. It’ll happen to all the kids – Theo, Millie, Arabella, they have a while to go, but they’ll all go through it.

Speaking of siblings, how are Jett, Bunny and Harvey doing?

Junior: They’re great. Harvey’s just turned 22, which is crazy! But he’s doing really well. I saw some frogs the other day so I sent him a video of them. He loves frogs.

What are your favourite things about your brothers and sisters?

Princess: Bunny and Millie are so similar in certain ways, but so different. They come to me for older sister advice now. Like, if something’s happened at school and they want to know what to do, they’ll come to me. And that’s something I’ve always wanted. Harvey’s older but he doesn’t really know how to have a proper conversation, but he’s so funny. And Jett and Theo are great. I think Junior gives them amazing advice. He’s really good at it.

Junior: My dad comes to me for advice, too. I’m really good at sensing when a vibe is off, or the energy is wrong and so I’ll know if he’s not feeling good. He’ll ask me, ‘Son, what can I do about this?’ and I’ll give him my thoughts. I give advice to strangers. I remember once when I was 14, I saw a couple arguing and I went straight up to them and I helped them sort it out. And they made up. I can’t explain it, I just have that way.

Exclusive OK! Magazine shoot with Junior and Princess Andre
Princess says 'old soul' Junior is a great person to go to for advice -Credit:OK! Magazine / Danny Craven

You could be a marriage counsellor…

Junior: I’m not going to lie, I do want to advocate more for people talking and getting help.

Princess: I think you’ve probably been reincarnated. He’s such an old soul.

Tell us, what’s next for you guys?

Princess: I’d love to be a TV presenter. I’d love to host something like Love Island. I wouldn’t want to take part in the show as a contestant but I’d love to be as good a host as Maya Jama.

Junior: I’m focusing on myself and my music and acting, and I’ve got a couple of other projects coming up, too, but you’ll have to wait and see on that. I’ve said before that we’d love to do I’m A Celebrity… It’s where our parents met, so it’s why we’re here in the first place.

Princess: We’d have to do it together, but that would be fun. I’d be terrified, but it would be so iconic.