How July's Full Moon in Capricorn will affect all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

july 2024 full moon in capricorn meaning rituals affect all zodiacs
How July's Full Moon will affect your zodiac signHearst Owned

It’s time to reflect on your aspirations, goals and the way you navigate the concept of ambition, because on Sunday July 21st a Full Moon in Capricorn will be glowing brightly in the night sky, shining a light on where we forgo our own aspirations for the sake of perceived success.

Sound familiar? This could be why…

We usually have twelve Full Moons per a year, each taking place in a different zodiac sign. However, 2024 delivers an anomalous two Full Moons in the sign of Capricorn, the ambitious sea-goat that rules our ambitions, public image, approach to structure and long-term goals.

The crucial difference between these Full Moons is the influence of Capricorn’s ruling planet Saturn. You can imagine a ‘ruling planet’ as being like the conductor in an orchestra. It controls the tempo, the dynamics and the entire expression of the music.

During the first Full Moon that took place on June 21st, Saturn was direct, meaning it was ‘conducting’ in its usual manner. Since this is the ringed planet of responsibility, timekeeping and boundaries, then the last Capricorn Full Moon is likely to have brought up issues surrounding your aspirations, ideas of success, and attitude to hard work.

However, in the interim period of the last four weeks Saturn stationed retrograde in Pisces, triggering a period of deep internal reflection.

When planets are retrograde it gives us a chance to embrace the ‘RE’s’ in life: reflection, reassessment, realignment and restructuring. When ‘Serious’ Saturn is retrograde in Pisces it’s a prime time to notice where a desire for too much control has made you lose touch with your intuition, creative flow and compassionate nature.

Saturn is associated with boundaries in life, and now it’s in retrograde we have a wonderful opportunity to restructure our own systems in life in a way that supports our higher visions and most longed-for desires.

Because of this, the second Capricorn Full Moon will feel more fluid – it will infuse you with a far dreamier approach to your goals, and you’ll notice where boundaries you’ve been working to maintain over the last four weeks are paying off. It will also become apparent where a drastic new approach to how you structure your life is necessary.

This will be exaggerated by the fact that on this second Full Moon, the Sun and Moon form harmonious aspects to Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusion, and fantasy. The first Capricorn Full Moon was under attack from a challenging aspect to Neptune, so it might be useful to look back to this time last month and notice where you felt especially confused, indecisive, anxious, or out of touch with your intuition.

Conversely, around 21st July, you will be boosted with intuitive awareness and the capacity to visualise your desires, free from fear and inhibitions. You can make the most of this by engaging in forms of self-awareness such as meditation, journaling, free-writing and generally allowing yourself the time and space to reflect on what lessons the past four weeks have delivered you.

Mars is also in the mix, forming harmonious aspects to both Neptune and Pluto. This is a Moon all about power! Redefining what YOU want! Letting your dreams run wild! Embracing the motivation to push through limitations and forge an independent path that feels inspiring and exciting!

Also note that Venus (representing pleasure and our value system) will be forming a positive aspect with Jupiter (the benevolent planet of good fortune, abundance and expansion), which brings potential financial gain, travel opportunities, self-confidence and lucky breaks when you trust in the outcome.

Remember – fortune favours the brave, and a leap of faith can be the catalyst for major transformation in your future. Which door has the flashing question mark on it, and where are you prepared to cross the threshold?

How to make the most of the July full moon in Capricorn


Think back to this time last month, over the Full Moon in Capricorn that took place on 21stJune. If you can, return to your journaling, or look at photos and messages from around that time to jog your memory.

What do you feel you were struggling with most? Where were you being asked to ‘Get Real’ about what it is you want in life? Be honest with yourself where you lacked boundaries and structure.

What were your primary emotions around this Moon regarding your comfort zone? Did you create definitive, time-specific goals with the intention of moving towards your true ambitions?


Now consider the interim period over the last four weeks.

What fears came up? What emotional baggage have you been urged to shed? Is there anything that occurred which prevented you from striding forward, and where did you lean into discomfort?

It can also be useful to ask yourself if there were any reality checks that forced you to assess your goals and dreams, ensuring they are attainable and realistic.


This second Full Moon on the 21st July is a prime time to welcome the new opportunities that have appeared over the last four weeks. Where has the Universe seemed to support you and how will you embrace these cosmic nudges?

Now you’ve set the ball rolling, let yourself start to dream big about what you can achieve in the future. Make a vision board. Reassess and redefine your current structure depending on your renewed vitality towards your ambitions. Celebrate your successes!

Crucially, this second Full Moon is all about allowing yourself the freedom to get creative with the concept of structure and boundaries.

If you’ve done the work over the four-week interim period, you’ll have learned a lot about yourself and what serves you. New methods and approaches will have surfaced, and your entire concept of ‘success’ may have been turned on its head.

Journal prompts for the July 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn

Try answering these four questions:

  1. What am I proud of achieving over the last four weeks?

  2. How has my perception of what ‘success’ means changed?

  3. What boundaries am I now committed to keeping?

  4. What limiting beliefs and stories would I like to release and leave behind over this Full Moon?

It's no coincidence that following this Full Moon, we transition into Leo Season – a period to embrace your most authentic, expressive, and dazzling self. Leo Season is your time to SHINE, and aligning with the astrology of these two Full Moons in Capricorn provides the perfect launchpad to do just that.

Horoscope for the July Full Moon in Capricorn for all zodiac signs

Read for your Sun and Rising Signs.


This Full Moon asks you to consider how you’ve been balancing your desire for success with your connection to a spiritual path, Aries. Where do you remain in the shadows, and what subtle signs and shifts have been nudging you to take the spotlight? If you’re in a profession that drains you or simply isn’t inspiring you anymore, this Full Moon is asking you to tap into your intuition to notice what boundaries need to be created for things to change. What would your ideal career be if you had no fear of judgement, and is the Universe offering up any opportunities to take the next step on this trajectory? Release any limiting beliefs holding you back from pursuing a role that truly aligns with your desires. If this requires redefining your concept of 'success,' embrace it – it's your moment to shine unapologetically and authentically.


Don’t be surprised if this Full Moon triggers a desire for freedom in you, Taurus. The world holds vast potential for expansion, and you want to be part of this! Take some time to consider the journey that holds the most excitement for you. Is it a voyage of the mind, encouraging you to add to your skillset, increase your knowledge or embark on a spiritual quest? Perhaps you’ve been feeling a literal urge to travel and are ready to commit to an expedition that will open your eyes and mind. This Full Moon is nudging you to assess how these pursuits could help you achieve a dream or vision you’ve been harbouring close to your chest. Look back at the last four weeks and notice if there have been any synchronicities or coincidences in the people you’ve met or the groups you’ve been invited to join. Redefining the structure of your networks can be incredibly helpful when it comes to giving you a step towards your ambitions. It is also essential to consider your friendship groups and the people you surround yourself with – in the last month, where have boundaries proved essential to you, and how can you keep on honouring your space?


This Full Moon, remember the quote ‘the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.’ Where have you been urged to face a shadow or cut a toxic bond that has been limiting your progress towards your dreams? This is a Moon to remember that conclusions in life make space for new beginnings. Transformation is waiting for you, and this may require stepping out of your comfort zone, but you’re ready for it! Look back over the past four weeks and see where you’ve been encouraged to create stronger boundaries in your professional life or in the way you show up for other people. Where is it time to put your personal ambitions first? What ‘second chances’ have arrived when it comes to your career or the legacy you would like to leave? Work on releasing any limiting beliefs that are stopping you from taking the next step towards your highest aspirations. Another chance to break a toxic pattern or to move towards deeper intimacy could come up, so use what you’ve learned in the last four weeks to support and empower you when setting your boundaries!


The Sun has been in your sign for the past four weeks Cancer, so consider the opportunities that have arisen when it comes to shining your brightest. How have you been encouraged to share your talents? Where have you felt motivated to explore a new version of yourself? This Full Moon illuminates your seventh house of relationships, so use this as an opportunity to reflect on love. Do you notice any patterns when it comes to being unrealistic in your partnerships? Do you find it hard to make genuine connections because of preconceived ideas or expectations? Perhaps you tend to give too much and want to reclaim a sense of self? This Full Moon encourages to reconnect with love – whether that’s with a partner or the way you value yourself. Remember that Full Moons are also linked to releasing yourself from situations that have served their time with you. If someone is not treating you with kindness, compassion and respect then ask yourself why you’re still in this scenario and set some boundaries to empower yourself.


Over this Full Moon, notice where your attitude towards your health and your job is once more in the spotlight, Leo. Where have you needed to deal with issues related to these topics over the last four weeks, and how has this helped you create stronger boundaries? Financial issues may have come to the surface regarding your profession or a partner, or perhaps you’ve been called to break a habit that is destructive to your overall wellness. If you’ve been prevaricating when it comes to taking action then use this Full Moon as a signal to release yourself of the limitations that have been holding you back and go for it. This could involve facing a fear, committing to healing trauma you know is still unresolved, or allowing yourself to be more vulnerable. Use this Full Moon as a chance to reflect on your most ardent dreams and desires. Are your daily routines and actions supporting this version of yourself you want to transform into? Now is the perfect time to implement systems that move you once step closer. These can be simple changes – embracing an exercise routine or healthier eating, cutting out a habit, or exploring ways you can adjust your approach to your work life that will empower you going forward. One small adjustment over this Full Moon may be the catalyst for your future evolution.


Over this Full Moon, consider the ways you’re being encouraged to bring more joy and levity into your life. Where have you been too preoccupied with work in recent months and how has this taken its toll on your self-esteem and your general happiness? Have you been giving so much to others that you’ve forgotten to take some much-needed time to water your own garden? This Full Moon is asking you to connect with your creative side and let your inner child run wild. Embrace fun, hobbies and leisure! Invest time in an activity you enjoy! If you feel resistance or start questioning yourself about ‘productivity’ or ‘responsibility’ then carefully assess how you speak to yourself. Where can you work on cultivating a more supportive mindset? This can also be linked to romance and relationships. Notice if any chances to rekindle your love life, get closer to your partner, or redefine your dating boundaries have occurred. What lessons have you learned from this, and how will you utilise these lessons to cultivate stronger boundaries going forward?


This Full Moon is a time to stop hustling, running or distracting yourself, and take time to just settle. ‘Be here now’ is your moto over this Moon, and it will seriously serve you when you take a moment to reconnect with yourself. How has your attitude to self-care and rest changed over the last four weeks? What actions, situations and habits have helped you feel most grounded and connected? Equally, take stock of what things have jarred your nervous system. Analysing these factors is going to help you in creating supportive structures for the next few months, applying this nourishing mindset to your daily habits. Notice how this Full Moon brings up the concept of ‘home’ to you, and where you might want to put down roots. It can also bring to light family dynamics or childhood memories which give you clarity about a situation you’ve been ruminating over. This is also a superb Moon to look back at how you’ve constructed more empowering boundaries in your health, wellbeing and job. Where have you felt most energised and aligned, and what activities have made you feel ‘in flow’? This is a Moon to consider what habits can be strengthened, and which ones still need to be tweaked to put your dreams in the spotlight.


Over this Full Moon, notice where you’ve been over-committing to plans, busying yourself in the community, or become too focused on your to-do lists. Being active is a wonderful thing, but you also need times of rest and respite to bring out the creative and dynamic artist within. This Full Moon will bring to light ways in which you can redefine your daily actions and activities, so they support your goals rather than spreading yourself too thin. Is it time to clear your calendar a little bit and reconnect with the things that bring you a sense of vast expansion, such as learning, travel and your spiritual journey? When you take time to listen to your needs, the Universe will show you where you’re being encouraged to express your ideas more sincerely and confidently to the world at large. Over the past four weeks have you reconnected with anyone or got a second chance at anything that will allow you to step into the spotlight more? Think about how you want to create more supportive structures around self-promotion to let your talents shine.


Over this Full Moon, notice how your attitude towards money has subtly changed. Have any opportunities to diversity your income, ask for a raise or make more money come up? This may have required you to leave your comfort zone or could have triggered issues from your childhood or parental wounds that needed to be dealt with. This is a fantastic Moon to ask yourself what ‘financial success’ means to you. If you’re linking your sense of self-worth to achieving a certain figure or a particular status, then ask yourself if this resonates with your ultimate dreams and ambitions. What’s more, have you been denying yourself rejuvenation and self-care? Look back over the last four weeks and notice where you felt most grounded. Is the Universe now presenting you with the chance to create stronger boundaries that support you in filling your own cup rather than continually pouring for others? Is there a commitment you can say no to, or an event you can politely decline, that allows you to rest, retreat and nourish yourself? This is a Full Moon to bring it right back to your values and how you want to feel going through life, not how you want to be seen – and instigate new systems that support this.


The last four weeks could have felt particularly intense for you Capricorn, what with the double whammy of two Full Moons in your sign and your ruling planet stationing retrograde. Second chances, false starts and essential endings could have been the marker points of the past month, so use this Full Moon to take stock and assess the myriad of lessons you’ve learned. What you’re really being asked to do is notice what has served its time with you – a situation, person, mindset or potentially all three. How do you now feel empowered to make the necessary shifts that will move you forward towards your longed-for ambitions? You are blessed with drive and focus, so apply these to your ultimate goals in the form of brand new boundaries you feel called to create. This is also a powerful Moon to look back at the last four weeks and see what synchronistic conversations have cropped up, what conversations are being repeated, or how you’re being asked to return to a plan or message which didn’t quite take off the first time. It’s not too late to chase down that email, send that text or initiate a meeting which can place you one more rung up the ladder!


This Full Moon could very well shine a light on your healing journey, Aquarius, amplifying the ways you still lack faith in your ability to create magic in the world. Where have you become so distracted with the everyday chores of daily life that you’ve neglected your spiritual side? Where do you feel a disconnect with your intuition? Over this second Capricorn Full Moon, you’ll have another chance to follow your instinct and engage in a practice that align with your visions. The important thing is to notice where you’re being nudged to take some time out. Rest and retreat are essential components in aligning with your inner compass. Allow yourself to stop the frantic flurry of activity to reconnect with what you really need to feel seen, heard and safe. Look back to the last four weeks and notice where you’ve needed to create stronger boundaries with money, your attitude to finances, and your value system. What lessons have you learned about your attitude towards abundance, and how can you utilise this going forward when making empowering decisions?


Your long-term plans may have shifted in a rather dramatic way over the last few weeks Pisces, and you’re only just getting to grips with this! Not only have we welcomed two Capricorn Full Moons, but both Saturn and Neptune are currently retrograde in your sign. Notice where one version of yourself is crumbling, and where you’ve had to accept the reality of a situation that alters your trajectory. Where have the rose-tinted glasses come off? Where has a dream started to firm up so that it feels like there is a chance it could become reality? Assessing these things will help you accept what new boundaries you are ready to initiate as you stride forward. Don’t be afraid to get a little rebellious with your ideas – there’s always room to switch the status quo, especially if it means being your most creative, innovative self! This is also a superb Moon to think about what groups or networks you can join which will aid in your growth, especially if they are related to humanitarian work or giving back to society in some kind of way.

What do your planets say about you?

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