Joseph McGinty open to directing third Charlie's Angels movie

Joseph McGinty has expressed his desire to direct a third Charlie's Angels movie.

While speaking to Entertainment Weekly, the Charlie's Angels director - also known as McG - discussed the possibility of directing a third film in the franchise.

"It would take a long discussion with those three wonderful performers who I adore," Joseph told the outlet, referencing original Charlie's Angels stars Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu. "I was very happy to see Elizabeth Banks take the helm and do what she did, which was fun. There always seems to be chatter about that."

After Joseph directed 2000's Charlie's Angels and 2003's Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, the franchise was rebooted in 2019 with a new version of Charlie's Angels helmed by the Pitch Perfect 2 director.

"I'm very happy to discuss it with Drew and Cameron and Lucy, but at the same time, I'm very happy to pass the torch. I mean, I love the Tim Burton Batman movies, I love the new Batman movies," he continued in his interview. "It's just sort of like there can be a keeper of the flame and you can pass the torch."

The 2000 and 2003 Charlie's Angels movies made a combined $520 million (£409 million) at the worldwide box office. The 2019 version didn't cross the $100 million (£79 million) mark.

"Who knows? Maybe we've got one left in us that tells a very compelling story if the opportunity presents itself," Joseph added. "I love the three of them so much. They put me on the map."

He concluded, "They looked out for me when I was a first-time filmmaker... Those are three performers where God broke the mould. They don't make 'em like that."