Joseph Baena has become 'leaner' since joining Dancing with the Stars

Joseph Baena is relishing his time on the TV show credit:Bang Showbiz
Joseph Baena is relishing his time on the TV show credit:Bang Showbiz

Joseph Baena has been "getting a little leaner" since joining 'Dancing with the Stars'.

The 25-year-old model - who is the son of Arnold Schwarzenegger - admits that his body has been "changing" over recent weeks.

Joseph - who has been partnered with Daniella Karagach on the TV show - told Us Weekly: "I feel like I’m getting a little leaner. I’m losing weight, for sure. It’s definitely a change of pace … The body’s changing a little bit."

Joseph acknowledged that dancing involves "a lot more cardio" than he expected. And Joseph admits that he's being pushed to his limit by his professional partner.

He said: "It’s a lot more core [work]. [Daniella’s] kicking my butt in the ballroom … [I’m] drenched in sweat basically every night because of these workouts."

Joseph has always been compared to his movie star dad. But the model doesn't allow the comparisons to bother him.

He explained: "I love my father. He’s the smartest, best man I can think of. So, you know, to be compared to him - to be in the same character, Hercules - it’s amazing. It’s awesome. And, you know, who doesn’t want to be like their father, right? It’s great."

Joseph's mother is Schwarzenegger's former household staffer, Mildred Baena. And Joseph only discovered the identity of his father when he was in school.

He previously said: "I remember the day very vividly. I was in the eighth grade. Fifth or sixth period. And I get called out of class to leave. And my mom’s there, and she’s like, ‘We gotta go - everyone is finding out about you and who your father is.’ I’m 13. Your body’s transforming; your mind is transforming. And now my life transformed before my eyes."