James Middleton shares adorable video with fellow family members during exciting outing

James Middleton on the red carpet
James Middleton (David M. Benett,Getty)

James Middletoncouldn’t be more of a family man if he tried.

Not just to his adorable one-year-old son Inigo and wife Alizee Thevenet, but also to his six dogs, Nala, Zulu, Inka, Mabel, Luna and Isla.

On Friday, the proud dad shared the most adorable video, pushing his pack of dogs in a push bike. See the touching moment in the video below.

James and his pack were at Goodwoof, an event hosted at Goodwood for dog lovers everywhere.

Despite, James being the brother of our future Queen Consort, he is famous at the annual event for his mode of transport which he attends every year.

A photo of James Middleton pulling his dogs in a bike
The event looks forward to seeing James every year (Instagram)

On the official Instagram page for Goodwoof were the words: "We look forward to seeing @jmidy with his Babboe bike every year [heart-shaped emoji]."

The cart attached to the bike was adorned with the words "James and Ella", Ella referring to James' late therapy dog whom he credits with helping him through his depression.

"Ella came to every single one of my therapy sessions. I'd make excuses not to go, if Ella couldn't be there with me. Just being by my side, she was helping me tremendously and had an immense positive impact," he penned on his official website for Ella & Co, the dog food and lifestyle company he created.

Adding: " It's not always been easy for me to talk about my struggles with anxiety and depression, but Ella has been the one to encourage me to get the help I needed. Ella is the first dog I got as an adult.

A photo of James' dogs cuddling up to his new book
James will be revealing the cover of his new book at the event this year (Instagram)

"She is the matriarch of my pack and the one who has been there to help and guide me through a large portion of my adult life. I owe a lot to Ella and I believe she is a large reason I was able to overcome the deep struggles I have had with my mental illnesses. She is truly my inspiration and the inspiration behind James & Ella."

Sadly Ella passed away in January last year which was incredibly hard for James, but since the tragic event, he has written a novel titled: Meet Ella: The Dog Who Saved My Life. James confessed that he is doing the cover reveal of the book at Goodwoof this year.

"Don’t judge a book by its cover… but in this case you CAN. Where better to do a cover reveal for my book ‘Meet Ella: The Dog Who Saved My Life’ than at my favourite dog event @goodwoofdogs this weekend (18/19 May)," he wrote alongside a photo of the book inside his family Berkshire home.

"I will be there on both Saturday and Sunday at Literary Corner discussing the book and revealing the cover. There are still some tickets left so I really hope to see you there," he concluded.