Ivanka Trump thinks that expectations of her influence over her father are too high

Ivanka Trump thinks people have too high expectations of her [Photo: PA Images]
Ivanka Trump thinks people have too high expectations of her [Photo: PA Images]

Becoming first daughter hasn’t been a smooth ride for Ivanka Trump and she’s often been criticised for not having a greater influence on her father Donald Trump’s controversial policies.

But at least the president’s daughter is well aware of her failings.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Ivanka admits that getting her dad (or “daddy” as he prefers her to call him) to rethink his “core values” is simply “not going to happen.”

But according to Ivanka, it’s her critics who need to switch strategy and not the first daughter herself: “Some people have created unrealistic expectations of what they expect from me,” she told FT. “Shy of turning my father into a liberal, I’d be a failure to them.”

The main criticism of Ivanka seems to come from the fact that she doesn’t outwardly condemn some of her father’s presidential actions. Case in point is equal pay.

When Barack Obama was in power, he set in place a rule that aimed to close the gender pay gap once and for all.

But earlier this year, the White House announced that it will suspend the rule, claiming the additional paperwork would be “enormously burdensome” on employers.

Aside from the fact that it’s hugely burdensome for women to earn less than their male counterparts, the most shocking part about the suspension is that Ivanka Trump – supposed supporter of women’s equality – was in favour of it.

“Ultimately, while I believe the intention was good and agree that pay transparency is important, the proposed policy would not yield the intended results,” the First Daughter said in a statement.

When asked about the fact she hasn’t openly condemned some of her father’s more controversial actions, Ivanka explained that it wasn’t just because her dad happens to be the president, but also because she is a team player.

“To voice dissent publicly would mean I’m not part of the team. When you’re part of a team, you’re part of a team,” she said.

According to Ivanka Trump, only time will tell whether she can prove her critics wrong. “But I will not be distracted by the noise,” she said.

Not everyone thinks Ivanka Trump is doing a bad job [Photo: PA Images]
Not everyone thinks Ivanka Trump is doing a bad job [Photo: PA Images]

Ivanka should take comfort in the fact that not everyone thinks she’s doing a bad job. A new poll conducted by SurveyMonkey shows that 39 per cent of Americans overall have a favourable view of Ivanka Trump (compared to the 37 percent who have an unfavourable view), and 22 per cent say they don’t know enough to say.

And apparently they really like her in Saudi Arabia too. On an official visit earlier this year the Twitter hashtag “Ivanka bint Trump,” or “Trump’s daughter” was trending on the social media platform.

Oh and her perfume is a winner too! Earlier this year we reported that her namesake Eau de Parfum Spray hit first place in Amazon’s Best Sellers list for women’s fragrances.

The scent, which costs $59 (£47) on Amazon.com, is at the very top while the roll-on size at $15 (£12) is at second.

Win some, lose some Ivanka.

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