I'm Surprised More People Aren't Talking About The Space Needle New Year's Eve Fireworks Fail Because It's Pretty Funny

The Space Needle in Seattle is one of the most recognizable skyscrapers in the world.

  Wolfgang Kaehler / LightRocket via Getty Images
Wolfgang Kaehler / LightRocket via Getty Images

Unfortunately, you couldn't see it during their grand ol' New Year's Eve fireworks show.

Twitter: @daeshikjr

It was gone in seconds.

Twitter: @Cruz_Castaa

The whole thing looked pretty terrifying.

Twitter: @Toneman

"They just nuked the f*cking Space Needle," this person said.

Twitter: @landminetech

"That's gonna scare a lot of people," another person said.

Twitter: @JoeVeyera

I personally like this person's comparison to a "portal straight to superhell."

Twitter: @xxgirlb0yxx

Luckily, the Washington Emergency Management account confirmed it didn't disappear and was, in fact, still there.

Twitter: @waEMD

A meteorologist explained how this happened, blaming the 100% humidity condensing and creating a fog/smoke combo that turned into smog.

Twitter: @edwardsanthonyb

I guess it's just not meant to be!

Twitter: @DBonny

That didn't stop everyone from making the same joke.

Twitter: @angryseattle

Happy New Year!

Twitter: @noname_kat