'I'm a stomach doctor - never eat these five things for breakfast'

Normal breakfast cereal is one of the items people should be avoiding for their first meal of the day

Breakfast is sometimes billed as the most important meal of the day - but one doctor has said there are five things he would never eat for it, as they are so unhealthy. The stomach expert or gastroenterologist Dr Saurabh Sethi spoke out on his Tiktok channel over a number of the most popular items people have for the first meal of the day.

Dr Sethi highlighted favourites like bacon, cereal and even granola - which is often seen as being a healthier option. Many people who are trying to lose weight skip breakfast but as one NHS hospital said: “Research has repeatedly shown that people who eat breakfast have a better chance of keeping weight off. When skipping breakfast, we can get so hungry by lunchtime that we choose unhealthy foods or snacks.”

So what should people avoid, according to Dr Sethi?

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1/ Bacon. Dr Sethi said: “Bacon. This is highly processed and full of unhealthy fats and nitrates. Nitrates have been linked to multiple cancers including stomach and colon.”

2/ Regular breakfast cereals. He said: “These are often laden with high amounts of sugar.”

3/ Granola. He said: “This should also be approached with caution because of its typical inclusion of high amounts of sugar and unhealthy fats.”

4/ Pancakes: “Regular pancakes should be consumed in moderation. I like pancakes, but I like to consume the ones made out of whole wheat and eggs.”

5/ “Lastly, doughnuts. Doughnuts should be avoided in the morning to prevent significant sugar spike.”

In terms of what people should be eating, one cardiologist has said that he eats the same thing for breakfast every day as the perfect food to help stave off heart problems. Several studies have found the food in question has an important benefit for cholesterol and blood pressure.

In the UK the growth of having fruit as part of breakfasts with staples like overnight oats has been hailed as having health benefits - and are a very important source of fibre, vitamins and minerals in the diet.

There is, however, one type of fruit that the doctor Andrew Freeman, director of the department of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health in Denver (USA), tries to eat almost every day. These are berries, the group of fruits that includes blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. The potent heart-healthy effects of these fruits may come from antioxidants and the fact that they have been shown to prevent type 2 diabetes - and he says they are best served up with oats.

Oatmeal contains lots of fibre, vitamins and minerals, and studies associate it with lowering cholesterol and helping with weight control, according to the American Heart Association.

Dr Freeman said: “My go-to is really oatmeal. In general, I recommend oatmeal as the best option." He advises a small cup of oatmeal made with water, not milk or butter, and loaded high with berries, plus additional heart-healthy ingredients such as ground flax seed or a few walnuts. Don’t use instant oatmeal, which is the most processed — go with rolled oats instead, he suggests.