17 "That Doesn't Sit Right With Me" Type Of Photos That'll Make You Spiral Into Oblivion
I feel like I need to see a doctor because none of the photos I just saw look right to me. Please take a look at these 17 photos from r/weird and let me know in the comments if they look normal to you or not:
1."Yo, why does this dog look like some dude named Allen?"
2."Two ticks on a tick, which was on my cat."
3."I only get goosebumps on one side of my body, ever since I had spine surgery."
4."The previous reader used hair as a bookmark."
5."I went past a sign that said 'do not enter' and found this."
6."Woke up and found two patches of dried blood on my arm, with no cuts anywhere."
7."What is happening to this egg?"
8."A strange number texted me HI in all caps. Then I respond and get this."
9."Shopping for school supplies and saw these..."
10."I walked up to my car after having some late drinks and found this."
11."Found this in a house we're renovating."
12."My Lyft driver is a flat earther."
13."Why did someone put a fish here?"
14."Weird flight experience."
15."Does anyone else have scars they've had their entire lives, with no idea where they came from?"
16."Seen in Oak Harbor, Ohio."
17.And finally, "Double en suite."