I'm a nutritionist and this is how I make my daily coffee habit healthier

Beautiful black woman smiling
Joan Abebe looks after her health in a variety of ways

Welcome to Time For You, HELLO!'s new series that asks wellness experts for the one thing they do every day to boost their mood – take notes!

This week we spoke to nutritionist and holistic health coach Joan Abebe, who helps women realise true health through nutrition, mindset and holistic wellness techniques, without compromising on their quality of life.

Joan shared the importance of looking after herself, as well as her clients, and how she makes sure her love of coffee doesn't impact her health

Beautiful woman smiling in a smart pink top
Joan Abebe enjoys her morning coffee

Joan, what's the one thing you do to treat yourself?

"My daily treat is my morning cup of coffee. It's a ritual and a moment to myself before work starts where I can just be still. I have a range of plant-based milks in my fridge, whether it be coconut, almond or oat – I like to alternate and try different combinations.

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"I also like to sweeten it with coconut sugar or natural honey with cinnamon on top. Coffee is very acidic, adding this makes it more alkaline which is good for your gut.

Cropped shot of an unrecognisable woman pouring fresh coffee from a plunger
Joan has ways to make her coffee less acidic (Getty)

"As well as my coffee, on a monthly basis I have two self-care treatments. Either a luxury manicure, where I go to Townhouse in Kensington which is more like a spa/ Everything is calming, white and neutral and I just love that aesthetic and gives me an hour away to relax and be indulgent."

"My other treat is a facial at Cowshed in Primrose Hill and again, it’s such a treat and a beautiful place. I see the same person and enjoy the treatment with relaxing music, candles and really savour that me time."

We love that you have daily and monthly treats – how does each make you happier?

"My morning coffee makes me happy because I genuinely love the taste of a good cup of coffee. I don’t typically go out and buy it, I always make it myself at home.

"I spend that time just being by myself and the ritual process also makes me happy, as it's comforting. It sets me up for a productive day after I’ve sat down, chilled and had a moment to myself.


"For my monthly treatment, it’s all about that protected time. Living somewhere like London, where everything is all systems go all the time, having that time out to be in a quiet, peaceful and serene environment is like no other.

"I tend to book these appointments towards the end of the month, leave everything at the door and just have that hour to declutter mentally and spoil myself. It’s a great way to congratulate yourself for getting through another month! I also use these treatments to relax and be present, without the noise of London distracting me."

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