'I'm backpacking round Asia with my 5-year-old daughter'

Alicia Tunnicliffe, 23, decided to quit her job and take her daughter out of reception so the duo could go travelling round South East Asia.

Credit: SWNS

Video transcript

I'm a single mom backpack in Southeast Asia with my five year old and today we went bamboo rafting to try and spot some elephants.

We're in Chiang Mai in Thailand and we booked a tour to try and find some elephants on some bamboo rafts.

We got there and they gave you these little t-shirts to try and they're so cute.

And then we spotted some bananas and we actually did eat one that was so tiny and Rick Flavoursome didn't taste like the ones in England.

I didn't realise that this tour included a big hike up to a waterfall, so we walked up without our bag.

We left that in the little tuk tuk they picked us up in and we walked for ages to this waterfall through the woods.

We found this cute little dog on our way up as well.

Milani is obsessed with every single animal that she sees.

The only thing that kept her walking was the fact that there might be a dog waiting at the top.

But it was so worth it.

Look how pretty that waterfall was.

It was so refreshing in the water as well.

But it was so slippy.

So I saw a guy walk to Milani the whole way down, holding her hands because she couldn't be trusted.

She fell like five times.

And he was so good with that.

He was like playing with her to try and encourage her to walk cos it was really hard, like I was struggling.

Then we headed to the bamboo raft, which were actually really scary.

It was quite fast and they kept pretending there were snakes in the water.

So I was a bit paranoid.

We were looking out for the elephants and we did see some.

We were so excited.

No, I took my crocs off to try and relax.

As much as I could get a bit comfy looked there at the elephant.

It was so cute.

It was a little baby as well.

And just as I began to relax, we went down a waterfall and lost our crocs nearly.

We literally went under the water.

It was so scary.

Then we went back to the tuk tuk and headed home.

Spend the day with us whilst we are backpacking Thailand.

We're in Bangkok at the moment and we started off the day at 7-Eleven We got cereal and milk for breakfast.

And this cost us 66 Bah.

We had to sit outside the hotel to eat it cos you weren't allowed food from outside inside the hotel.

But we sat on the steps and really enjoyed it, actually, and they even give you a little straw so you could, like, suck out the milk.

It was yummy.

Then we started walking to the park and Welani got heart.

So we got an ice lolly and then she got hot again.

So we decided to get a tuk tuk there.

We negotiate the price and he agreed to it.


But he said that he had to take me to his sponsor to have a look round.

So we went to his sponsor and it was like a little jewellery shop.

But it was so expensive, we were having a look, and I think it was like 17,000 English pounds for like, some of these earrings.

But we found a gift shop and just got a fan instead.

For 60 B, we got to the park and oh, it was so pretty.

It was absolutely boiling mind, But it was really, really pretty and there was loads of these monitor lizards.

They were so cool Milani was obsessed with, like searching for them.

It was a bit scary, though, because they could just walk on the path.

It was so hot.

So they did stay in the river, though.

Then she saw a park and decided to call off there on the swing.

But she was still too hot, so she was moaning quite a bit.

Luckily, we found the sprinklers, so she ran around in them and I said, Don't get too wet.

Obviously she came back drenched, but she didn't moan about being hot Then.

Then we found these little Swan pedalos and you can rent them for free.

And we peddled all around.

But it was so much effort that I was boiling.

So then we headed over to the Cat Cafe.

This was so cute.

She's not stopped talking about it.

They put this little cat on our table in a basket and she fed it some food.

You have to pay 200 by entry each, but you can use this towards your food that you buy there and your drinks.

So we got some chips and a smoothie, which was really, really yummy.

We're struggling for food, so we're having chips a lot here and this is the outside of the cafe.

They have, like loads of pictures and Polaroids of everyone with the car.

We started walking home and Milani needed a little water break.

We got lost, didn't walk the whole way and ended up getting a tuk tuk back.

And that's what we did today in Bangkok.

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