These 40 Breathtaking Shark Images Are All You Need To Believe That The Ocean Belongs To Sharks, Not Us

Many photographers have taken remarkable shark photos that showcase the incredible nature of these creatures and after you sea these beauties you might feel a little chummy when you realize the ocean is theirs and we're just visitors. I’m not shark-ing you...these images are amazing:

1.A Great White Shark Opens Its Mouth:

Great white shark breaching the water's surface with its mouth open, displaying rows of sharp teeth
Bani Sahrul / Getty Images/500px / Via Getty Images

2.A Great White Shark Opens It's Mouth As It Breaks The Water:

A great white shark breaches the water, mouth open wide, as a seal tries to escape
Uso / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

3.A Hammerhead Shark Exposes Its Sharp Teeth:

A hammerhead shark swims underwater, mouth open revealing teeth, with a smaller fish swimming alongside
Colors And Shapes Of Underwater / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

4.A Hammerhead Shark Exposes Its Sharp Teeth — AT NIGHT:

Hammerhead shark with mouth open wide and numerous small fish in the background, swimming in deep water
Martin Voeller / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

5.A Bull Shark Swims Through Fish:

A large shark surrounded by numerous smaller fish underwater, with a fish caught in its mouth
Michael Gomes / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

6.A Great White Shark Breaks The Water With Food In Its Mouth:

A great white shark leaps out of the ocean, splashing water around. The background shows a calm sea and the horizon
Emanuelestano / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

7.A Whale Shark Swims Near The Surface:

A whale shark swims underwater, facing the ocean surface. Its body is covered with distinctive white spots and stripes
Mark Nooijen / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

8.A Great White Shark Circles A Sharkcage:

A diver inside a protective cage is observing a large great white shark swimming nearby in the ocean, surrounded by small fish
Stephen Frink / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

9.A Blacktip Shark Swims Near Fish:

Shark swimming underwater amidst a school of fish near a rocky outcrop
Aleksandr Golubev / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

10.A Group Of Sharks Swim Together:

A group of sharks swimming together in deep blue water, with a diver observing them from the left side of the image
Rodrigo Friscione / Getty Images/Image Source / Via Getty Images

11.A Shark Feeder Interacts With A Tiger Shark:

A scuba diver, surrounded by several sharks, holds and interacts with a large shark underwater
Amanda L. Williams / Via Instagram: @amanda_lynn_williams

12.A Whale Shark And Snorkeler Swim Next To Each Other:

A person swimming near a whale shark in clear blue water with palm trees and blue sky in the background
Maxtopchij / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

13.A Great White Sharks Swims Near The Surface:

A lone shark swims gracefully underwater, its fins spread wide. The ocean surface above reflects light, creating a serene and captivating scene
Nautilus Creative / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

14.Hammerhead Sharks Swim Around Together:

Five hammerhead sharks swimming in the ocean against a backdrop of the water's surface
Nonnie192 / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

15.A Shark Swims Near A Couple, Fishing Nearby:

A person in red attire stands on a rocky cliff edge, fishing in the ocean while a large fish swims nearby
Ashley Cooper / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

16.A Sharks Fin Emerges From The Ocean:

A shark fin partially emerges from the ocean's surface, creating a ripple in the water
Alessandro De Maddalena / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

17.A Great White Shark Eats The Bait:

A shark is underwater biting onto a rope, creating a splash
Philip Thurston / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

18.A Woman Swims With Sharks:

A person in a snorkel mask and fins floats calmly on their back in a clear pool surrounded by numerous large sharks
Casarsaguru / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

19.A Reef Shark Rests On The Ocean Floor, Almost Hidden:

A shark rests on the ocean floor beneath rocky overhangs, with a smaller fish attached to its body
Katherine Obrien / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

20.A Mako Shark Swims Near The Surface:

A close-up underwater image of a shark with its mouth open, showing sharp teeth
Alessandro De Maddalena / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

21.A Great White Shark Jumps From The Ocean:

A whale breaches the water while a seabird flies nearby, both silhouetted against the setting sun and ocean waves
Uso / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

22.A Basking Shark Swims With Its Mouth Open:

A basking shark swimming underwater with its large mouth open, showing gill rakers
Rebecca-belleni-photography / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

23.A Blue Shark Breaches A Sharkcage:

A shark closely swims in the cage
Alessandro De Maddalena / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

24.A Silky Shark Swims With Food In Its Mouth:

A shark underwater with a fish in its mouth, near the surface of the water
Gerard Soury / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

25.A Smooth Hammerhead Shark Swims Around:

A hammerhead shark swims gracefully in the deep blue ocean, its unique head shape clearly visible
Mark Chivers / Getty Images

26.Silvertip Sharks Reach For The Bait:

Two sharks swim near a boat as a person dangles bait on a line above the water
Bernard Radvaner / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

27.A Great White Shark Swims Near The Shore:

Dorsal view of a shark swimming near the surface in clear ocean water with a distant coastline and cliffside in the background
Chase Dekker Wild-life Images / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

28.A Lemon Shark Shows Its Teeth:

A close-up underwater image of a large shark with visible sharp teeth swimming in the ocean
Julian Gunther / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

29.A Diver Take Photos Of Sharks:

A diver is surrounded by numerous sharks of various sizes and types, swimming in an underwater environment. Numerous smaller fish are also present
Mike Korostelev / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

30.A Great White Shark Swims At Night:

A great white shark swimming in dark waters
Philip Thurston / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

31.A Shark Feeder Interacts With A Large Hammerhead Shark:

A diver in scuba gear interacts with multiple large sharks underwater while several fish swim around
Amanda L. Williams / Via Instagram: @amanda_lynn_williams

32.A Nurse Shark Swims At Night:

Close-up image of a nurse shark swimming in dark water
Rob Atherton / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

33.A Great White Shark Breaks Through The Sharkcage:

A great white shark is swimming underwater near a metal cage, showing its open mouth and sharp teeth
Leicafoto / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

34.Lemon Sharks Approach A Diver:

A scuba diver holding a red dive flag is partially submerged in the ocean as a large shark swims below them among smaller fish
Mark Chivers / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

35.A Tiger Shark Swims Underneath A Boat:

A large shark swims near a ship's hull underwater, surrounded by small fish
Atese / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

36.Three Bull Sharks Swim Together:

Three sharks swimming together in the ocean, with one closer to the front and two in the background
Fionaayerst / Getty Images/iStockphoto / Via Getty Images

37.A Thresher Shark Swims Around:

A shark swims underwater with its fins extended, gliding smoothly through the ocean. Light filters down from the surface above
Kittisun Kittayacharoenpong / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

38.A Zebra Shark Swims At Night On The Ocean Floor:

A zebra shark lies on the sandy ocean floor, facing the camera, with its distinctive spots and saddle-like stripes clearly visible

39.A Closeup Of A Tiger Shark:

A close-up image of a shark's head showing its eye, gill, and part of its open mouth displaying several teeth
Jeff Rotman / Getty Images / Via Getty Images


A great white shark emerges partially from the water with its mouth open, revealing sharp teeth
John Giustina / Getty Images / Via Getty Images

Did you think these photos were fin-tastic? Let me know in the comments!