The Comment That Hints Tanya’s Death Will Be Avenged in ‘The White Lotus’
At the end of episode three of The White Lotus s3, Chelsea is reflecting on her near-death experience.
Earlier on, her boyfriend, Rick got extremely high and let a bunch of poisonous snakes out of cages at a snake show, leading one to bite her. Oddly, she’s fairly relaxed about it afterwards. The couple head out for dinner with their new mates, including Greg/Gary (Jon Gries) – but after they retire to their luxury lodgings, she makes an unusual comment about the whole situation.
“If you kill me,” she says. “I’ll follow you into the next life and the next, you'll never get rid of me,” she tells him. What she's talking about here is rebirth, a key tenet of Buddhism, and an incredibly pertinent theme for this series of The White Lotus that could also foreshadow something further down the line.
Cast your mind back to series two, where Tanya McQuoid was the target of her husband Greg’s assassination. She escaped, granted, but then died when she slipped and fell from the yacht she was lured onto. Greg, as we’ve now seen, has so far gotten away with taking out a hit on his own wife, living the high life on her dime with a new, younger girlfriend in Koh Samui.
Chelsea’s comment could perhaps be applicable to Tanya. Greg can try to move on – but the presence of his betrayed ex looms, particularly now that he's been clocked by Belinda.
Despite Greg lying about meeting her – coincidentally echoing Victoria Ratliff denying ever meeting Kate in episode two – we know that it’s shaken him. The ‘weeks ahead’ teaser trailer hints that he’s keen to silence the spa manager, who at this point is the only person who can link him to the crime.
Chelsea’s line also invokes the Buddhist concept of karma. Here’s hoping that there’s a big serving of it headed Greg’s way.
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