Here's How Long Homemade Ramp Pesto Will Last In The Fridge

Bowl of ramp pesto
Bowl of ramp pesto - Elena Schweitzer/Shutterstock

Seasonal produce lovers are happy to experience the multitude of flavors Spring has to offer. Next to collard greens, asparagus, and peas, geographically specific produce like ramps are a seasonal delicacy for those who enjoy the combined flavor of garlic and onions. The bright green bulbs and leaves are highly sought after for their mild flavor, yet only pop up in the Eastern U.S. and Canada during springtime for a short period. Next to making a few must-have extras like ramp kimchi or pickled ramps, look no further than ramp pesto when you want a multi-use ingredient that serves as a sauce, condiment, and spread all in one.

To get the most out of ramps' short-lived season, pesto is a worthwhile investment. Like basil pesto, ramp pesto is made with parmesan, pine nuts, olive oil, and garlic, yet these classic ingredients are blended with fresh or blanched ramps instead of raw basil. If you've been wondering how long ramp pesto lasts in your refrigerator, you have five full days to enjoy this flavorful food. Ramp pesto should be stored in an airtight container so its strong, pungent aroma doesn't dominate your entire fridge. To maintain ramp pesto's visual and taste-appealing qualities, use only fresh ramps that have been properly stored and cleaned. Doing so ensures this delicious food will last through the week.

Read more: 12 Vegetables And Fruits That Used To Look Very Different

Fresh Ramps Make For Longer-Lasting Ramp Pesto

Fresh bundled ramps on cutting board
Fresh bundled ramps on cutting board - Brebca/Getty Images

While ramp pesto can last up to five days in your refrigerator, ensure success by making this food with only fresh, crisp ramps. When stored properly, wild ramps last up to four days. Whether you make Ralston's Farm ramp pesto with raw ramp leaves, walnuts, and romano cheese, or a more traditional recipe with pine nuts and parmesan, fresh ramps make all the difference. Wrap damp paper towels around unwashed ramps and store them in an airtight container in your refrigerator until you're ready to use. Avoid washing ramps days ahead of time as excess water can lead to early spoilage.

Ramp pesto can be made with both fresh and blanched ramps. Both varieties last a week in cold storage, yet if the color of your pesto is important, make pesto with blanched ramps. Blanching slows oxidation, which will help your pesto maintain its bright green hue. Blanching may also dilute ramps' intense flavor. Beyond blanching, keep your pesto looking and tasting fresh by covering the surface with a small amount of olive oil for added protection against outside air, and always store this homemade mixture in airtight containers. Having fresh ramp pesto to enjoy for a whole week has its perks, but if you want this seasonal food to last longer, you may want to utilize your freezer.

How To Freeze Ramp Pesto

Ramp pesto in small open jar
Ramp pesto in small open jar - FotoHelin/Shutterstock

Luckily, with the help of your freezer, you can store ramp pesto for longer than a week, giving you the benefit of enjoying this seasonal spread all year round. The best part about freezing this savory food is that it will last up to one year when stored properly. To ensure frozen pesto stays green, take that extra step to blanch your ramps before preparing your pesto recipe. Store your homemade mixture in large freezer-safe airtight storage containers or small jars for easy access.

Luckily, you have a few different ways to enjoy even smaller portions at any given time. Spread pesto on a lined baking sheet and freeze until firm. Then break the mixture into multi-sized chunks and store portions in freezer bags. Alternatively, fill an ice cube tray with your pesto, and once frozen, place pesto cubes in resealable freezer-safe bags.

Freezing ramp pesto grants you the pleasure of enjoying this seasonal vegetable throughout the year. Now you can make pasta with ramp pesto in the middle of winter or enjoy crostini with ramp pesto, mozzarella, and tomatoes in the summer. If you like to add extra flavor to soups and stews, pesto cubes can be added directly to simmering pots. Smaller portions can also be defrosted to make delicious salad dressings and dips. If you don't want to trouble yourself with freezing this seasonal specialty, remember to keep ramp pesto stored tightly in your refrigerator so you can enjoy its intense fresh flavor for five full days.

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