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Your horoscope for the week of 14th November katie buckleitner

Overview: Bon voyage, zodiac! Venus and Mercury enter jet-setting Sagittarius this week, inspiring more adventure, travel, and education in our worlds. A Mars-Neptune square on Saturday wants us to leverage confusion to gain clarity and understanding. Have a soulful Sunday under the Sun-Neptune trine and listen to your intuitive insight!

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope


Ciao, Aries! Venus and Mercury enter wanderlust-y Sagittarius this week and inspire you to let your curiosities take you to new places that help you expand your horizons. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square wants you to have fact-checking and clarifying conversations. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune trine asks you to focus on rest, recharging, and deep healing.


Intimacy is seeking you, Taurus! Venus and Mercury enter passionate Sagittarius this week and inspire you to release barriers you have against meaningful intimacy. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square might make socialising confusing, but just go with the flow. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune trine wants you to bring more friendship to romance and more romance to friendship.


Opposites do attract, Gemini! Venus and Mercury enter truth-seeking Sagittarius this week and help you understand that you can find romance through differences, oppositions, and contradictions. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square could create ambiguity on the job, so stay flexible. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune trine helps you understand the details that help you professionally.


It’s the little things, Cancer! Venus and Mercury enter bulls-eye-loving Sagittarius this week, motivating you to focus on small things to maximise honesty and success. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square wants you to put vision, faith, and hope forward. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune square helps you to cultivate greater confidence while you take risks to explore the unknown.


Express yourself, Leo! Venus and Mercury enter courageous Sagittarius this week, motivating you to share your hopes, desires, fears, and longings with people who need to hear them. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square wants you to understand trust within your friends and community. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune trine inspires you grow through your emotions.


Your emotional IQ is off the charts, Virgo! Venus and Mercury enter articulate Sagittarius this week and help you put what you’re feeling into language for the people who need to know. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square may provide professional misunderstandings, so stay responsive, not reactive. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune trine inspires you to contextualise and communicate trust.


Clear communication is crucial, Libra! Venus and Mercury enter direct Sagittarius and help you manage discomfort around straight talk, leading to straight understanding. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square wants you to hold the balance between the big picture and the small picture. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune helps you find embodiment and pleasure by mindfulness and noticing the details.


Ground down, Scorpio! Venus and Mercury enter pleasure-seeking Sagittarius, inspiring you to find joy, pleasure, and peace through staying centred and embodied. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square is a tough but necessary balance between proactive vulnerability and privacy. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square helps you frame your vulnerability as brave and beautiful.


You’re the belle of the ball, Sag! Venus and Mercury enter your sign this week, providing you with clear-thinking and articulation, giving you even more popularity and success. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square helps you find boundaries that provide connection and protection. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune provides ideas on forgiveness and apologies in your family.


Time to retreat, Capricorn! Venus and Mercury enter sabbatical-inducing Sagittarius this week, helping you step back, process, and rethink your year to move forward with integrity. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square inspires you to communicate the details, because it's necessary. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune trine is a friendly, healing opportunity to connect with your friends.


It’s all about community, Aquarius! Venus and Mercury enter friendship-loving Sagittarius this week, helping you clock out of work early and connect with your friends. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square wants you to practice what you teach to claim confidence. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune trine helps you understand how to live into your values on the job.


Time to level up, Pisces! Venus and Mercury enter ambitious Sagittarius this week, providing you with conversations and connections that help you professionally succeed. Saturday’s Mars-Neptune square reminds you that emotions are information, not always calls to action. Sunday’s Sun-Neptune trine expands your thinking and helps you see a problem with more hope and optimism!

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