Hello, your sex horoscope for the weekend is here

Your sex horoscope for the weekendHearst Owned

What’s happening: The Moon is in Leo tonight, and tomorrow, it enters Virgo. Mars is also sextile Uranus tomorrow. Then there’s a cazimi Mercury on Monday, giving you a one day “get out of jail free” card for this Mercury Retrograde. The Moon is in Libra on Tuesday, and on Thursday, Venus squares off with Neptune.

What that means for *you*:


TBH, this week is pretty dry when it comes to your love life. Sorry, bb. If you’re single, you’re not getting much action other than playing with yourself—especially this weekend. Charge your favorite vibe and have fun. The Moon enters Libra on Tuesday, making you more social and eager to approach others, but the Venus/Neptune drama on Thursday warns of an ex lurking about. Keep your eyes peeled.


This week’s astro is all about relationship-building for your sign. The fun part of love—the sex, the flirting, etc.—is even more fun right now (and it’s easier to find someone sexy, too). Send a thank-you card to Saturday’s astro. Plus, and the cazimi Mercury on Monday is great for talking about the serious part of your relationship. This is not the time to DTR AKA define the relationship because it’s still Mercury Retrograde, but you’re still making big progress this week!


If you’re looking for a hookup, the Libra Moon in the middle of the week is perfect for getting lucky! It boosts your sex drive and your confidence. And that, combined with Venus in your sign, makes it so that you’re looking good and feeling great right now! One teeny issue to look out for: Your emotions are way more intense at the end of the week, and you might feel like the right choice would be to rush into a relationship or DTR too early—don’t. Take it slow, trust me.


Mercury Retrograde plus Venus in your 12th house right now are brewing up a storm in your birth chart, and it looks like exes are a big problem you’re facing this week—especially on Thursday. They’re going to be annoying, but try to not let them distract you from your current partner. If you’re single, Monday’s cazimi Mercury is perfect for meeting new people, so go out to your favorite hangout and introduce yourself to someone sexy!


Tonight, the Moon is in your sign, making it much easier to find romance and dive into the more emotional side of your relationship. If you’re boo’d up, this is great, but if you’re single and feeling lonely, you’re more likely to be really down in the dumps. This emotional vibe carries on throughout the week, and it can be a little tricky if you’re single. Thursday’s astro makes it very easy to catch feelings for a fling—like, major feelings—and it doesn’t look like they’re interested in much more than a quickie.


This weekend starts off pretty slow, but once the Moon enters your sign on Saturday, things pick up the pace. The Moon in your sign is always a good time for romance, and the cazimi Mercury on Monday is one of the best times to send a message—what I’m saying is if you’re crushing on someone, this is a great time to ask them out. Don’t DTR quite yet, though, because Mercury Retrograde is still in full force.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Libra, but you’re getting verrrrry little action this week. Taurus season is dragging on, slow as ever, and you don’t really feel like yourself until the Moon enters your sign on Tuesday. Your love life has tons of potential for growth on Thursday, if you can spice things up. The big idea here is to think outside of the box and try something (or someone!) new in your love life. Have fun!


It looks like you’re making some progress this weekend! The reigns are in your hands—single or not—and if there’s a change you want to make in your love life, you have to be the one to initiate it. Put yourself out there and cast a wide net. You won’t find love if you don’t look for it, and it might come in ways you’d never expect. Be adventurous, and don’t be afraid to try new things.


There’s not a ton going on for your love life until the end of the week, when Venus squares off with Neptune. In your chart, this looks like a tough moment to get through. You, your partner, and your relationship all have problems, and you’ve been getting by ignoring those problems, until now. Hidden secrets, feelings of resentment, and other grievances are coming out. Don’t fight! Hold yourself accountable, listen, and collaborate with your partner to get through this.


Go wild! Your sign has a reputation for being rigid, conservative, and even having a stick up your ass (not even in a fun way, either), but you need to disprove the stereotype. Ball out and treat yourself to some sexy lingerie and/or some fun new toys. Splurge on your partner, too. Try new things, get spicy, and have an amazing weekend in bed! If you’re single, this is equally as exciting—just don’t expect any hookups to stick around for long.


Sex feels way more erotic and intimate this weekend, so you’re having a ball in bed. If you’re single, you’re more likely to catch feelings, though. The rest of the week is pretty dry, until Venus squares Neptune on Thursday. This is particularly troublesome for y’all single Aquarians out there. You’re feeling a huge attraction to someone new, and it looks like they’re interested, but they’re not keeping it 💯 with you. They’re hiding something, and you’re not on the same page. Instead of running to their bed the minute you match on Tinder, vet them first. Be safe!


The Moon in Virgo this weekend activates your chart’s relationships zone, making it perfect for date night. The fiery connection between Mars and Uranus on Saturday amps up your sex drive and confidence, and it also makes you stand out a ton—make sure it’s for good reasons! All eyes are on you, so be your best self and shine bright wherever you go! You’ll attract tons of new potential paramours.

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