HELLO! launches new support hub 'Safer Spaces' to help keep children safe online

HELLO!'s new child online safety hub Safer Spaces
HELLO!'s new child online safety hub Safer Spaces

Welcome to HELLO!’s online hub, Safer Spaces – a brand new information and support centre for children, teens, parents and carers.

As the Online Safety Act becomes law with new legislation to protect young people when using the internet and social media apps, we believe there is a huge need for greater support and advice for families navigating the online world.

HELLO! conducted a survey of our parent readers and found that 73% of our audience are worried about inappropriate content their kids could find online, and 78% worry that social media is impacting kids’ mental health.

As a mum of two, online safety is at the front of my mind daily. We are the first generation of mums, dads and carers parenting children who go online. Devices aren’t just something they go on from time to time, they are increasingly a way of life.

Yes, there are fun aspects to the online world - the communication and friendships they can maintain, especially with pals far away, and the videos that make them laugh or teach them something - but there are dangers too, and parents, carers and children need help navigating these.

  • How do I know what my children are watching online is safe and appropriate for them, and how do I monitor this?

  • How can I protect my children from strangers contacting them and from online bullying within their peer groups?

  • How can I stop my kids from getting addicted to their devices and help them stay mentally healthy?

boys and girl using a digital tablet, lying on bed
Our children are living in a digital world (Getty)

There are so many questions. It’s overwhelming and it’s scary.

That’s why here at HELLO!, we’ve created our new hub Safer Spaces. It’s a place where parents and carers can come to learn more about how to keep our children and teens safe online.

In this hub we’ll bring you the latest news on child online safety. We’ll hear from families who have encountered problems online and read their advice to others.

We’ll have interviews from celebrity supporters who are passionate about creating awareness around this issue, and advice features on where to find support. We also hear directly from the tech platforms with their top tips on using their apps safely.

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Small girl indoors on bed at night, using telephone.
Online safety is at the forefront of many parent and carers' minds (Getty)

The Online Safety Bill is currently going through a period of consultation with the regulator Ofcom, after which online platforms will have to abide by more stringent laws regarding our children's online safety.

Among the new legislation are tougher rules on age restrictions on social media platforms, and platforms must remove content that is harmful to young people.

As we enter this new improved era of heightened online safety for our children, HELLO! is now helping to inform and advise families on how we protect our kids and teens even further.