Helena Bonham Carter defends Johnny Depp from 'cancel culture'

Helena Bonham Carter defended Johnny Depp while sharing her thoughts on cancel culture.

While speaking to The Times for an interview published on Saturday, the Enola Holmes star lamented how "cancel culture" had affected her Sweeney Todd co-star and the godfather of her children.

"I hate cancel culture. It has become quite hysterical and there's a kind of witch-hunt and a lack of understanding," Helena revealed. "That's the problem with these things - that people will jump on the bandwagon because it's the trend and to be the poster girl for it."

The actress used the defamation trial between Johnny and his ex-wife Amber Heard earlier this year as an example, accusing Amber of getting on the "pendulum" while the "pendulum of #MeToo (is) swinging back".

Despite discourse surrounding the six-week trial, Helena explained she believes Johnny was "completely vindicated" by the court's decision - which saw him awarded more than $10 million (£8.3 million) in damages.

"I think he's fine now," Helena summarised. "Totally fine."

Elsewhere in the interview, the actress weighed in on the backlash J.K. Rowling has received since she made transphobic comments.

"It's horrendous, a load of b**locks. I think she has been hounded," Helena added. "It's been taken to the extreme, the judgmentalism of people."

Helena played Bellatrix Lestrange in the film adaptations of the author's Harry Potter book series.