I Hate To Break It To You But If You Recognize Any Of These 32 Pictures You Are Officially Old

I Hate To Break It To You But If You Recognize Any Of These 32 Pictures You Are Officially Old

1.If you've ever watched TV on a big hulkin' piece of wood...

wooden tv

2.If you've ever spent time in a room with walls like this...

wood panel wall

3.If you've ever been in a kitchen with this kind of floor...

Detailed image of a linoleum tile background from the 1970s
Dwleindecker / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4.If you've ever been assured getting underneath one of these will protect you from a nuclear bomb...

old desk

5.If you've ever been injured by one of these extremely heavy doors...

old car door

6.If you've ever walked on a carpet like this...

carpet with a sewn-in pattern

7.In a room that looked exactly like this...

old room that looks like its from a grandparents house

And most likely smelled of cigarettes.

Twitter: @polo_man404

8.If you can SMELL this picture just by looking at it...

cap gun
Comstock Images / Getty Images

9.If you've ever eaten this delicacy for dinner...

Twitter: @rwilley112

10.If you've ever eaten a delicious meal out of one of these...

old school quart dish

11.If you've ever been served a big bowl of salad from one of these...

wooden bowl

12.If you've ever been flung off one of these at 100 mph...

playground equipment
Nicolemorse / Getty Images/iStockphoto

13.If you've ever had to use a can opener to drink Hawaiian Punch...

can of Hawaiian Punch

14.If you are well aware that this is not a plate...

aluminum cover

15.If you've ever experienced the joy of this toy...

parking garage toy

16.Or this one...

Fisher Price Activity Center

17.If you ever answered a phone having zero idea who was on the other end...

phone with no caller id

18.If you've ever sat out in the hot, sticky sun on one of these...

vinyl chair

19.If you've ever opened one of these containers with a knife or spoon...

nesquik container

20.If you've stayed home sick and spent the entire day watching this guy...

game show host Bob Barker poses by one of the game props at CBS Studios to celebrate his 30th anniversary as host of "The Price Is Right"
Denny Keeler / Getty Images

21.If you've ever accidentally poked yourself on one of these...

sewing pin cushion
Michael Burrell / Getty Images/iStockphoto

22.If you've ever eaten dessert out of a toilet paper roll...

popsicle with a cardboard cover

23.If you know exactly who had this kind of alarm clock...

old clock

24.If you've ever experienced the extreme sweetness of the Fruit Log...

juice from concentrate

25.If you've ever classed up a meal by putting your plate on one of these...

hatched plate

26.If you've ever learned a valuable lesson from one of these...

  Getty / Via Twitter: @themelaniedione

27.If you've ever been in a car with one of these...

analog temperature car control

28.If you've ever seen one of these out in the wild...

cigarette machine
Medianews Group / MediaNews Group via Getty Images

29.If you can picture what should be in here and what most likely it actually is...

camera film bottle

30.If you've ever gone to bed right after hearing the opening chords of this theme song...

mash logo

31.If you've ever felt like a technological genius after figuring one of these out...

tv slash game switch

32.If you've ever had a great night turn into a rough morning from this...

wine coolers

I'm sorry, but you are officially old.